Feb 24, 2009 22:03
The first five people to comment on this note with the message “I’m in!” get something made for them by me.
***However***, this offer does have some restrictions/limitations, so read all the way through before you reply:
1.) What I create will be for you specifically.
2.) I make zero (0) guarantees that you will like what I make.
3.) You will receive your item before the end of the year.
4.) You have no choice in the matter of what the item is going to be. It will be some form of artwork, but it will remain a surprise until you receive said item, and it will be completely unique--no one else is receiving the same gift.
5.)The catch is that, you must re-post some adaptation of this note PLUS make AND send out five surprises of your own. Consider it a passing forward of creative inspiration. Tag me in your note so I know you’re doing it, and that will give me the green light to get started!
6.) Also, I’d love to get reports back on what kinds of things you end up making for people.
More memes and a real update later tonight/tomorrow.
making things,