Go ahead. You go ahead and TRY to be as awesome as I am. You try as I make a desperate attempt to construct an AFI cover band.
So. Currently on the list of graphic novels I liked better as movies are V for Vendetta and The Crow. Now, I realize that in comics you can pull off certain things you just can't get away with in movies and vice-versa. But regarding both of the above titles, I found the movies to be more plot-driven, better constructed, and more engaging. And in the case of V for Vendetta, I have to give major props to its inability to be dated. That movie will always be 'current'. (I mean, I say this now...psh. That's just how I feel.) Now, none of this is to say that the graphic novels were BAD, at all! No! They were awesome. I'm just saying that the minds behind the movies were very good at putting the pieces together, even if it did pretty much require them to tell the entire story of The Crow backwards. But if you haven't, I recommend both reading the comics and watching the movies of both and see if you agree with me or not.
+continues to sit in the dark, listening to the Cure+ I shower in darkness, but I bathe in soft, foamy bubbles with pink glitters that smell like passion fruit. (The second half of that statement is entirely true. Chris does not enjoy the thin glittery film I leave behind for him which inevitably ends up clinging to his arm hairs.)
I'm going to visit Neen tomorrow to shave her head. It's always good times. I also get to visit the two remaining kittens of Dot's litter, one of whom shall be mine! It's about time I get a kitten up in this joint. But tomorrow is the day that I allow myself to totally blow my diet and go to Walgreens and chow on soda and slurpies and Lemonheads and ice cream and microwavable things. God, I love Walgreens. Maybe we'll watch Hellboy (comics were equally as good, and you should see and read both versions) or something else crazy. Or maybe we'll just dance around to Voltaire's new CD, which I got in the mail today! Woo.
Alright, now here's a question for you - does anyone have Netflix besides me? If so, does it ever take them like, more than a WEEK after you know you've mailed a movie back for them to receive it? I swear to Gord, I mailed my Scrubs disk back on the fifth of October and they still haven't received it yet. I would really like to get my next DVD please and thank you.
And lastly, because I haven't been weird enough yet this evening, it's very hard for me not to type "fith" when I mean "fifth" because that's how I pronounce it. "Fiiiith."