I will see the fire through the rusty razor wire; oh, don't you worry, I've saved a seat for you.

Oct 09, 2008 04:19

Yep, pullin' an all-nighter, both for my health, and because I actually have a lot of stuff I wanna do early in the day tomorrow (ie, calling places whose lines get completely busy by about 9:30AM and don't let up all day. :\) and then maybe nap or just chill later on in the day before belly dance.

So, hey, how about I dropped three pounds. :D It ain't much, but it's enough to be encouraging.

+blinks+ Yep. I'ma need some coffee.

Oh, and by the way. This song? Hell in a Handbasket? Please, please, someone play this at my funeral. Drums, fiddle, trumpets, please. Let's make it jazzy. +gives you jazz hands to urge you on+ Also, I must burlesque to that. XD I would need some gigantic pasties.

Moving on.

I actually made my first hooping video tonight, but I'm not moving very smoothly at all and I didn't like the little dance I did before I started hooping, so I've gotta work on that. I was working with AFI's Prelude 12/21, and it was at least feeling really good. :) Oh, and I was able to chest hoop of my own controlled volition, but because my boob shelf is so severe, it was almost like vertical hooping (ie, the hoop was spinning up and down, instead of horizontal, ie, around your waist), so it's really hard for me to bring it back down. But I got my lifts good enough that I can do them in my living room now, and not massacre my radiator, stereo, or glasses anymore. I have a feeling a lot of that is due to the something like three hours Amber, Neen, and I spent hooping at the Point.

Oh, speaking of Pittsburgh things!

I REALLY want to see Radio and Juliet, which is Romeo and Juliet the ballet, set to the music of Radiohead, and I would KILL to go. But I don't know if I can afford to spend the money, and it's only playing the 10th and 11th, and Chris works on the 10th and Amber's thing is on the 11th. I dunno what to do. I REALLY wanna go. (I also REALLY wanna go to Amanda Palmer, but I don't really see that happening either.) +siiiiiiigh+ I hate money problems.

Speaking of money problems!

I'm ending up lending Chris $2,500 to get the car fixed (MORE THAN IT COST...) because we decided that that would be better than getting a bank loan and having Chris pay back like, $4000. This way he can pay it off slowly, without interest, and maybe I can get some shiny things out of the deal, or at least not have to pay the rent for like, a year. So it's all good, but it would still be nice if we didn't have this problem in the first place. +sigh+ Maybe THEN I could see Radio and Juliet. Or Ms. Palmer.

On a final note, below is a link to a vocal sample I recorded. It's a voice and piano cover of AFI's This Time Imperfect (and no, that's NOT me on the piano). I submitted it to a local indie band who is searching for a lead singer. We'll see how it goes. It would give me great pleasure if you would listen to it and tell me what you thought. Just click the link, then click the "download this file" link and go through the whole shpiel, though if you want to wait, I'll probably make a video out of it soon. Either way, I think it's quite good. It took me more than a week to pick the song and like, 10 takes to get the perfect song as close to perfect as I could, so hey, I'm not complaining.


That is all.

money, weight, afi, voltaire, hooping, sample, car problems

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