Birthdays and schooling.

Sep 04, 2008 20:57

So this week was the first week of school, and it's actually gone very well (aside from the fact that the postal service doesn't have it's priorities straight and the books I've ordered with expedited shipping are taking longer to get here than the ones I ordered with regular shipping).

First I had Intro to Natural Sciences, which is probably going to be extremely boring for the first few classes, but after that it should look up. I really like science, but I also watch a lot of the Science Channel, so I've pretty much got the basics down. Learning about the scientific method is just not doing it for me. XD

After that I had Japanese. I was terribly nervous, having missed the first week of class since Pitt registered me wrong. But I don't seem to be too far behind. My lecture sensei is amazing. She's an excellent teacher, and funny, too. Recitation is rough, but today I had a woman called Tomoda-sensei, who was younger than my other professors, and she was great. Recitation is just a weird concept, though, I mean, it's like you learn a couple verbals and some endings, and you're thrown into a room with a bunch of kids who are just as confused as you, and you're only permitted to speak in Japanese. I think the only English words Tomoda-sensei used today were "intonation" and "verbal". I have it for an hour on Fridays (my first and only Friday class), and I'm kind of torn about it. On the one hand, it gives me a great reason to get up early, get my morning yoga in, shower up and get pretty for whatever I'm doing on Friday night early in the day, and after class, it puts me right by the library so I can sit and read for a while or just pick up something to read and head home. On the other hand, I have to wake up on Fridays and be stuck in a cramped room and be forced to be confused for an hour before I've even had anything to eat. I'll just have to see how it goes.

Mondays and Wednesdays there's Arts and the Human Experience at 9:40, and that seems like it'll be okay. Lots of days off, lots of field trips. But I'm worried about some of the field trips, because they're going to be out of class activities, and transportation around here in the evenings and weekends sucks. But we'll see. Maybe I can con Chris into going to the opera with me. Oh, and also, my professor's name is Patricia Schmidt; just close enough to be uncanny, just far enough away to be hysterical. If you don't get that joke, stop reading my blog.

Then there's Intro to the Study of Government Systems, which is going to be nothing short of amazing. My professor is hysterical. Intro to the class: You will be offended. You should be offended. Notes for the first day: Politicians are whores and cowards. Yep. S'gonna be awesome.

And finally, Intro to Philosophy. I've already had this class once, and got an incomplete because of my jerkface professor. So I'm taking it again, which means it'll be cake, since I did really well before. My professor is kind of monotone, but he's interesting and funny, so if I can stay awake, it should be good.

And that's pretty much that.

Then of course there was Chris' birthday. His mom took us to the Olive Garden on Tuesday, and he tried his first ever legal glass of wine. He hated it. :D He's a little strange, I'll admit. But dinner was good. And then because we're old, we went to bed at like, nine. XD Last night I took him to TGI Fridays, which was delicious. Because it always is. And I have a ton of deep fried green beans left over. Tonight we have a 24 of fruity Mike's lemonade stuff, and we're gonna try and stay up past, you know, like 11. Yeah. Old.

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I've had a lot of good blogs floating about in my head, but I've been having one of those weeks where it's just like, wow. I really cannot deal with the internet. +laugh+ I just wanna buy my books and then sit down and read something, or watch a movie. Which reminds me. I watched Pi: Faith in Chaos yesterday. I'll talk about that later, but for now, I'll just say, watch it if you like strange movies filmed in high contrast that require a previous knowledge of the subject you're watching, which in this case would be mathematics, computers, and Hasidic Judaism.

That is all.

birthday, movie, chris, school

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