I'm soooo tired...

Aug 09, 2008 08:39

This is the earliest I have been up in a very. long. time. Since we left for VA, in fact, in May.

Why? Because Zack invited me to go see a pre-screening of the new Star Wars movie with him, and while I'm mostly pessimistic about a Star Wars movie aimed specifically at children, I do love little kids movies, and I do love Star Wars, so maybe it won't be so bad.

Tell you what, though, I should be home by noon and I don't have anything to do until four. You bet your ass it's naptime. XD

+blinks+ I could use some caffeine, but startlingly enough, the only caffeinated products we have in the house are coffee (too warm for that, and takes too long to make) and Coke (too early for that). There may be some No-Doze layin' around here, but I don't feel like diggin' for 'em. I hope I don't fall asleep during the movie. That would be embarrassing.

The movie doesn't even start until ten, but it is a pre-screen, so as Zack has informed me, there is no guaranteed seating. Apparently they give out like twice as many passes as there are seats, and whoever gets there, gets there, so we're gonna try and be there around 9:30. Yay theatre being kind close to my apartment if you take the highway.

I was almost gonna turn this down since my spleen's been angry with me lately (and no, I'm not making that up because it sounds funny). When I was in high school, doing my 12th grade musical, I started getting these really sharp pains in my left side when ever I would get really physical (which is a lot when you're doing West Side Story), and it would swell and unswell on almost a daily basis. I went to my doctor and she was concerned, but apparently she was also quite confused, because even though I had shown her where the pain and swelling was, and she had looked me over, she ordered all these tests - MRIs, CAT scans, ultrasounds - on my right side. The people who were doing tests on me kept insisting that that was where my doctor had told them to screen; they were looking at the gallbladder. Which is on the right. No matter how many times I told them that that wasn't where it hurt.

So they found nothing wrong with me and they sent me home with a diagnosis of gastritis and told me not to eat spicy food and it'll go away.

Wait, whut?

I told you my left side hurt when I exercised.

And you're telling me my stomach's inflamed because I eat Mexican?

So I didn't stop eating spicy food, I just toughed it out like a big girl, did the musical, and when June rolled around and I was all done with theatre before college, the pain went away and didn't bother me again.

And now it's back. And I'm worried it's because I'm pushing myself to do two or more hours of yoga and belly dance every weekday, because the only thing this pain and the pain from high school have in common (besides feeling and acting identical) is that then I was physically pushing myself, and now I am as well. I don't want to slow down my exercise routine because if I don't, you know, break a sweat, I might as well not bother. Otherwise, I'll just be stretching, and yeah, that's great for me, but that's not what I intended all this for. And that makes me sad.

The good news is I'm going to have good health insurance for the first time in years as of September 1, so if the pain persists, I'm gonna go to the doctor again and be like, "Okay, I SAID THE LEFT SIDE."

And as much as I know it's bad to try and diagnose yourself online, I was curious and started looking around, and the only thing I can find that fits my symptoms is Spleenic Flexure Syndrome, which has the opposite symptoms of what I have - pain while resting and relief while exercising. Other than that, I haven't been able to find too many promising answers, so I guess I'll have to wait until September.

Ah, well. Zack should be here soon, so I'm desperately gonna try to wake myself up and go enjoy this movie.

Have a lovely Saturday.

movie, sick

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