Jul 11, 2008 15:25
So, Nina, Vince, and Julianna are all coming over today to start making their costumes for my Victorian Vampire birthday party, and also have a movie night tonight! :) However, Vince seems to be having car trouble (someone told him it was okay to use water as a coolant - which it is, but only for short distances on mild days, and from his house to Monroeville to Bloomfield to Green Tree is no short distance and this is no mild day), so they're running a bit behind schedule. Which is good. I like having time for myself in a clean house with the scent of a fresh "Happy Something" cake in the kitchen. (I couldn't think of anything else to write, okay?!)
I've been spending a lot of time with my guitar lately, playing at least once a day and learning all kinds of new chords. I guess I'm now what you would call an "intermediate" player. That makes me happy, because I was stuck playing "novice" type songs for so long (though I've found that just about every song ever written sounds okay at a "novice" level and are excellent for sing-alongs). I've been working my little heart out on "Oh, Darling" by The Beatles, because that song is just fantastic. I also like to flail wildly while playing the guitar and belt a lot, so I've been having a good time. I changed the strings all by myself for the first time last week. I was so proud of myself. I mean, I've been doing it since I was, what, seven? But I always had my dad over my shoulder to make sure I didn't like, slap myself in the face with the wire and to double check my tuning. But I did at all on my lonesome. Unfortunately, I liked my old strings better. These ones are made of...either brass or copper, I can't tell, and they're much too bright and cheery. I liked the kind of muted sound my old silver/nickel/whatever the crap strings made. Also, one of my pegs is stuck in the pegboard and the top broke off so it looks really silly, but it holds tight and doesn't affect the sound, so until I find a new set of pegs I'm really attached to, it's going to stay silly looking. I wonder if they make pegs with tops shaped like stars?
Anywho, I'm gonna crank some music and clean up the little bit of mess I made from baking cake. Hopefully my vampire crew will be here soon!