My Blackberry is rotten...

Jun 09, 2008 14:06

So, today has been a pretty crappy day.

I woke up, did my radio show, and was finishing coding the FLDB's zine when the power went out. Amazing, but not really a big deal, I have about four hours of battery life to finish coding and I can save and update when the power comes back on. The chat is at 6PM, I figured, so if the power's not back by 4, I can go somewhere with WiFi, finish the zine, and host the chat, no biggie. Boy, I better let Chris know the power is out and Nina that I might have to finish the zine later...


So I text them.

And I'm waiting for some texts back.

And waiting.

I push the space bar to text Chris again to tell him that 15 minutes later the power still isn't back on and to see if I've received any texts I might have missed. Well, the phone lights up like it's supposed to, and then it says "Entering Standby Mode" like it's supposed to, you know, when I hit the standby button. Which I was pretty sure I didn't, but just in case I bumped it, I hit the standby button, and nothing happens. This is strange. So I pop out the battery and the SIM card and put them back in and try and turn on my phone. The little LED alert light up in the corner comes on, blinks, and my phone starts to start up? Kind of? The little starting up hourglass appears, like it should, but the screen starts to blinker really bad, like it's dying or something. So I yoink out the battery so the damned thing doesn't esplode. And I wait, and I try again. Now the phone starts up properly - except without a backlight. Um? It makes it to the home screen, with my picture and everything, and I'm going to text Chris to tell him my phone has gone berserk. But I never make it that far. I try to select things, and the keyboard and rolly-ball won't control anything anymore, and...the phone shuts itself down.

So I take out the battery, and try one last time. And...nothing. The red LED light comes on, but the screen does nothing, the keypad doesn't light up, and that's it.

The power's out, so I can't charge my Razr, I can't plug the Blackberry to see if it was some kind of a fluke.

So I wait. Around 1:30 the power does return, and I promptly plug in the Razr so that I have some kind of connection to the outside world. (This phone hasn't been charged in AGES.) I also plug in my Blackberry in the event that receiving power from the outside world will revive my phone. It doesn't. I didn't think it would, but it was at least worth a shot.

So now I've swapped out the SIM card from my Blackberry so I can at least receive calls and send texts on my Razr (sooooooo sloooooow). But I'm really crushed. I'm pretty sure the AT&T people can't do anything for my phone that I haven't done, and I don't know if they'll replace it. I mean, I sure hope they do, but the red ones were limited edition, so even if they replace it free, it just won't be the same. I don't even know if they'll do it free. The most I'm really willing to pay is $100, since that's what I paid for the phone after a mail-in rebate, but this is an old Curve, and the new ones are like $400 phones, money I don't have (I BARELY have the $100 in case I do have to pay). But don't think I'm not gonna pull the "I love AT&T and I tell everyone to get it; my parents have it, my ex-boyfriend has it, the reason I have it now is because I convinced Chris to leave Verizon for AT&T and a few months later, I put myself on his plan 'cause I wanted texting. But don't think I won't leave you for Cricket, which albeit does not have as-cool phones or as-good reception, but will cost Chris and I about $30 less a month with a data plan. So if you can't replace my funky five-month-old phone, don't think I won't take my business elsewhere, and don't even think about charging me a breach of contract fee, since I would have upheld my end of the contract if your products had done the same, and if you do charge me, that's probably just the money I'll save going to Cricket" card.

Oh, yes she did.

I'm just really sad about my phone.

Like, crushed. I fell in love with this phone. I really did.

EDIT: I went to the AT&T store, and they said that since my phone was still under warranty, I could call the warranty people and they'll send me another one just like it for free. So I'm gonna do that tomorrow. They'll overnight it, and then I'll have it by Wednesday or so. :)

EDIT AGAIN: No, they will not replace my phone because - get this - I used a Razr charger to charge it. An AT&T Razr charger, same voltage, same everything. But, apparently, this voided the warranty. And just to let every one know, DON'T EVER BUY AN EXTRA CHARGER FOR YOUR PHONE UNLESS YOU BUY IT FROM THE MANUFACTURER, because even if you buy a universal charger FROM YOUR CELL PHONE SERVICE PROVIDER it voids the warranty on your phone.

Just thought you should know.

Anyway, Chris is currently chewing out the folks at AT&T so I'll post a new entry about this once I know everything.

fldb, pictures, phone, rant

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