Lists and Shipping

Oct 25, 2010 13:57

I've been watching annwyd do this shipping meme and wondering if I even had enough ships to fill it out with (limited to ships I actually care about - no, no I don't). Anyway, I made a list of ships. Two, actually - one list that ranges everything that I am vaguely amenable towards to things that I actively ship, and one list of things that I vaguely ( Read more... )

stats, shipping, i fucking love lists

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Comments 27

annwyd October 25 2010, 18:09:26 UTC
I also draw a distinction between "ships I am kind of amenable to" and "ships I actively like." I just tend to wind up with more in the latter category.

Actually, I sort of have three categories: "ships I do not mind/enjoy a little bit," "ships I like," and "ships that really bring out the fangirl in me."


paperclipchains October 25 2010, 20:35:07 UTC
I have so few ships that I really ship! I probably have those three categories too, but there's a big jump between like/fangirl.


annwyd October 25 2010, 20:45:27 UTC
The lines are a bit blurry for me, but you can generally, with certain caveats, tell by observing how I contribute to fandom, and...

Great, now I'm going to wind up doing a list and statistics. I can feel the burning desire to list and analyze rising.


paperclipchains October 25 2010, 20:46:54 UTC
If I've ever tried to write a fic about it and spent forever trying to pick out a song for a video that didn't get done, I ship it for srs.

I'd be interested in seeing it!


ansemaru October 25 2010, 18:29:18 UTC
I realize it must seem pretty strange that we're friends, considering our shipping preferences.

...and this is why I will tactfully and gracefully avoid filling out this meme.


paperclipchains October 25 2010, 20:32:48 UTC
Actually, I disagree with the shipping preferences of a lot of people on my f-list. What's strange is that you put so much emphasis on shipping like it's the be-all end-all.


ansemaru October 26 2010, 00:22:52 UTC
...well, you do get very... vehement... about it.

Not to say that it is strange, more that it must seem strange to other people.


paperclipchains October 26 2010, 01:07:05 UTC
I don't, really, and I'm not sure where you got that impression.


demeure October 25 2010, 18:49:11 UTC
I would be super curious to see the actual answers behind this, so I'm voting for you to do the meme~. I kind of want to fill it out, now, too, although I'm also a kind of... lazy, "aw ain't they cute okay I'm over it" shipper for the most part.

But there are love stories that bring out the weepy dramatic intense shipper in me-I can think of a few of them off the top of my head, and I'm pretty sure that if I started to make a list, there would also be interesting statistics and. 'unno, things. Like the fact that I'm probably really high on the "canon ship" count. I am just really easily persuaded by the actual text.



paperclipchains October 25 2010, 20:33:18 UTC
hahaha, corrupted


demeure October 25 2010, 22:07:50 UTC
I blame you so much.


asylumiss October 25 2010, 20:14:01 UTC
So many ships, on both sides. HOW DO YOU KEEP UP WITH SO MANY

Are they just romance ships or are you including friendships, broships and the like? I can see the score tallying up with those.


paperclipchains October 25 2010, 20:34:16 UTC
I, um, don't. I only keep up with 4 ships. 5 or 6 if we're being generous.

I made the list by going through ANOTHER list of all the series I've watched/followed, considering popular ships, and writing down any I had opinions on. Friendships were not included.


appalachias October 25 2010, 20:55:06 UTC
Way to not actually list the ships.


paperclipchains October 25 2010, 21:06:06 UTC
Let's see your list, then, asshole.


appalachias October 25 2010, 21:07:46 UTC
I don't keep lists of what I ship, motherfucker.

Besides, I only have two ships anyway and you STOLE THEM FROM ME.


paperclipchains October 25 2010, 21:16:40 UTC
I didn't "steal" them, dumbass, I happen to like them as well. You should be happy we share tastes.


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