Let’s kick off January 2016 (which is so nearly here) with me taking requests, which I may or may not fulfil depending on time/mental health state/general inclination.
My fic writing decision for 2016 is combining. What I want to do is have more than one AU, or more than one trope in any given fic. For example, why write a coffee shop AU, when I can write a SPACE COFFEE SHOP AU. Why write the road trip trope when I can write a BODYSWAP ROAD TRIP. Etc etc etc.
Your task is to pick between two and four AUs/tropes/clichés (feel free to merge tropes with AUs etc too) that you want, along with a character/pairing you want that for, and let me know. Also let me know if you want porn (feel free to include specifics). And if you want all this nonsense in a canon setting or if you’re fine with me fucking with stuff. If you want to include a word or sentence or picture or lyric prompt, go for it, but it’s not necessary.
Fandoms I’m Currently In The Mood To Write For:
+ Marvel Comics (caveats: I have to know what I’m writing about, I may not be familiar with your chosen series, and I’m not writing you Steve/Tony.)
+ MCU (specifically: Iron Man 1-3, Cap 1 + 2, Thor 1 + 2, Avengers 1 + 2, Guardians, Ant-Man)
(caveats: I’m not writing you Steve/Tony, Loki/Tony or Thor/Loki. I’m not unwilling to write Steve/Bucky, but if every single person asks for that I might rethink my stance!)
+Marvel TV (specifically: Agent Carter, Daredevil, Agents of SHIELD - I haven’t watched Jessica Jones yet, woe)
(caveats: I haven’t seen season 3 of AOS, and I won’t write you anything involving Grant Ward.)
+ The Musketeers
+ Descendants
+ Gotham (caveats: I haven’t watched much of season 2 yet, and I’m not writing you Jim/Oswald.)
+ The 100
+ The Force Awakens (caveats: Preferably newer main characters, as my knowledge of the whole universe isn’t as extensive as I’d like!)
+ Selfie
+ X-Men (caveats: XMFC or the past characters of DOFP mainly, please; the modern universe is a mess at the moment. I will take the Wolverine movie side of things if you want Yukio or Mariko, though.)
+ The Amazing Spider-Man (caveats: I loved both those movies, so feel free to ask for anyone except Flash, I don’t care about Flash in these movies)
+ The Lunar Chronicles
(If you want to try to emotionally blackmail me into writing something that isn’t on this list because you know I know the fandom, have a stab!)
As usual, I reserve the right to do whatever I want with your prompt, I’m not writing you non-con, if you want porn mention it (and mention specifics if you like), I make no guarantees for how long the fic will be, if it will ever exist at all, or that I won’t slip my own agendas or ships into it too. Gen, het, slash, femslash or OT3/multis are all fine.
You can request in the comments here (anon is on if you don't have an LJ, just let me know you who are) or in my
ask box on tumblr. And I'll make life choices about what I've got written here :)
- Jenn