Multi-fandom Drabble Post #2

Jun 19, 2010 03:22

I'm struggling a bit at the moment and so need to achieve things that are small and manageable. So have 11 more 300-word drabbles, once again posted on ou_est_jack.

Run For The Shadows
A Knight's Tale | Onesided!Geoff/Will, slight Wat/Geoff

Lucy - Sky - Diamonds. (i’ve heard this song before)
Doctor Who | the Master/Lucy | also for doctorwho_100

Abnormally Attracted To Sin
Don Giovanni | Leporello, Zerlina

Hamlet | Laertes/Ophelia [Hamlet/Ophelia] | obviously, warnings for creepy incest

This Isn’t Interesting Enough To Be An Aftermath
House MD | House/Chase

Q & A
Iron Man | Pepper, Tony [Tony/Pepper?] | set between movies

between the sea water and the sea sand
Merlin | Arthur[/Gwen ?] | future!fic

And Wicked Fancies Cross’d My Mind
Romantic Poets RPS | Wordsworth/Coleridge

There Rust, and Let Me Die
Romeo & Juliet | Mercutio/Benvolio

Reichenbach Falls
Torchwood | Owen, Ianto | set post CoE

but mama it wasn't my bullet
Torchwood | Owen/Martha | apocalypse!AU

tv show: merlin, tv show: house md, tv show: doctor who, opera: don giovanni, type: rps, type: slash, type: gen, movie: iron man, shakespeare, type: het, romeo and juliet, movie: a knight's tale, tv show: torchwood, hamlet, challenge: doctorwho_100

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