"These Things Were Promises [3/4]", Sherlock Holmes, Holmes/Watson

Jan 26, 2010 04:51

Title: These Things Were Promises [3/4]
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes (movieverse)
Pairing: Holmes/Watson
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 10,928 (SHUT UP)
Genre: Slash
Copyright: Title is from Tides by Hugo Williams.
Summary: Watson is probably over-thinking all of this to the point of insanity; over-thinking this to the point of Holmes, but he cannot stop.
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pairing: sherlock holmes/john watson, movie: sherlock holmes, character: sherlock holmes, type: slash, character: john watson

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Comments 68

horopter January 26 2010, 05:31:53 UTC
It is currently 12:26 AM where I am, across the continent, and I know I will not be able to give this fic my full attention at this moment, which it deserves (plus I want to relish it fresh in the morning).

But I want to say: I am not surprised. I would not be surprised if there is a part 5 (crosses fingers).

Please do go to sleep RIGHT NOW.(I worry for your health.)

I will come back in the morning to give a proper review ^^


paperclipbitch January 26 2010, 11:32:54 UTC
I would have read it sleep-deprived if I were you, it was written like that, I'm going to have to go through it in a minute and find out what I messed up ;)

If there is a part five it will clash with the essays I have to write in two weeks' time and I will feel guilty! That's not to say it won't happen...

I did get some rest and I hope you did and I hope you enjoy.


horopter January 26 2010, 17:15:46 UTC
Turns out I did forego sleep to read this (the temptation was too great for one as depraved as I), but then I overslept LOL

Yes, I agree crumpets are essential to living a good and happy life. It's rather typical and ridiculous that crumpets were the trigger to their big argument (and not the customary, fond bickering that they usually engage in).

PASSION TRIUMPHS WHOO! Hee I'm not too worried, I'm sure Holmes will play doctor and nurse Watson back to health so that they could bicker some more.

Oh! I don't want you to feel guilty. Take your time and write more delicious domestic angst while I content myself with rereading.


paperclipbitch January 26 2010, 17:37:54 UTC
OH NO I FEEL GUILTY NOW! Sorry for making you oversleep honey!

Crumpets are among my favourite things ever so I wanted Holmes demanding them and then the whole thing escalated. I swear the guys are writing this story now and not me at all...

Thank you so much and I'm glad you're enjoying (and the next bit will be up... soon)



(The comment has been removed)

paperclipbitch January 26 2010, 11:34:57 UTC
Thank you very much :D (It really wasn't meant to get this complicated! *flails at the boys who ran away with the story*)



moonsenorita January 26 2010, 07:38:01 UTC
Apparently I was trying to guess what I thought the cliffhanger would be, something wrought with sexual tension, left right before it heated up or a reaction, but this was so much better! I love that Watson distracted him so much that he missed the criminal/person! That was so hot, and Holmes is a brilliant man for coming up with that suggestion of staying warm and quiet.

Uhm...is it wrong to say that I like reading about nothing happening? Of course, I'm eager to find out if Watson is ok, how Holmes will deal, the end of that case, the nature of their relationship, etc. But, I'm definitely enjoying the nothing. ;)


paperclipbitch January 26 2010, 11:50:30 UTC
Well, there was going to be sexual tension (again), and then I ended up going with violence :D With a bit of sexual tension beforehand, of course!

No, actually, it makes me feel a lot better to hear you're enjoying hearing about the nothing; I'm really enjoying writing it, but I keep thinking my readers are going to turn around and be all nothing is actually happening in this story, did you notice? and I'll be all sheepish. So thank you very much and I'm glad you're enjoying!



inteligrrl January 26 2010, 08:59:28 UTC
Oh. My. GOD. I feel a fic of this level of awesomeness deserves some sacrifice for the honor of reading it. Unfortunately, I can think of nothing suitable. Would you care for my first born child, or would that be inadequate? Seriously, seriously, awesome chapter. Holmes! Watson! Gladstone!

Basically I am spouting nonsense because there are no words for just how much I love this entire story. Bravo dear, bravo.

p.s. This is the Watson I want to see after Holmes fakes his death in the Moriarty arc. The very idea of him is amazing.


paperclipbitch January 26 2010, 11:54:29 UTC
It's ok sweetie, I'm already sacrificing things like sleep and possibly the state of my health as a result, I don't think anyone else should sacrifice things! But thank you for the offer of your first born child, it is appreciated, though I shall have to refuse, I would have nowhere to put it...

Basically, thank you so much, I'm so pleased you are enjoying it :D



morgan52x January 26 2010, 09:15:50 UTC
You warned about a cliffhanger, I should be all aware of your cliffhangers from reading your previous work but dammit! Did you have to leave it there?! :O

I'm completely hooked. I love the arguments and the not-quite-arguments and the kiss and everything. Can't wait for more :)


paperclipbitch January 26 2010, 12:04:32 UTC
Sorry, I know it's kind of an inconvenient place to leave it! But I really did have to sleep and I do like chapters not to be longer than about 11,000 words!

Thank you sweetie, I'm glad you're enjoying :D



morgan52x January 26 2010, 19:20:08 UTC
That's quite alright :) It's a compliment really, great cliffhangers are hard to come by. It gives me something to look forward to! :D


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