"How To Utilise Paradoxes For Fun And Profit", Doctor Who, Eight/Lucy

Oct 07, 2008 08:46

Title: How To Utilise Paradoxes For Fun And Profit
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Eight/Lucy [hints at the Master/Lucy]
Challenge/Prompt: doctorwho_100 002. Middles
Rating: PG
Word Count: 7375
Genre: Gen/het
Summary: “You’re a mystery, Lucy Saxon,” the Doctor tells her with a pleased grin.
Author’s Notes: I didn’t want to write 100 fics of crazyness, after all. ( Read more... )

tv show: doctor who, character: lucy saxon, pairing: the master/lucy, type: gen, type: het, character: jack harkness, character: the doctor, pairing: the doctor/lucy saxon, challenge: doctorwho_100

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Comments 18

nnwest October 7 2008, 16:41:48 UTC
OH! Oh, I like this one way too much. Very nicely done. And the pairing is very pretty. *grin*

I'll be off to rec it now!


paperclipbitch October 9 2008, 15:26:39 UTC
Prettiest pairing ever, right? ;)

Thank you very much sweetie, and thanks for the rec too.



nnwest October 9 2008, 15:32:53 UTC
Prettiest pairing ever, right? ;)

Guh, yes! I was partial to Lucy/Simm!Master for teh pretteh and the batshit, but that one is way better. *g*


hellenebright October 8 2008, 00:02:46 UTC
here on nnwest's rec.

What an amazing idea, crazy time paradox. And it works. It works. Love that pairing, love the story.


paperclipbitch October 9 2008, 15:27:24 UTC
I love the pairing too :) Thanks sweetie, I'm glad you enjoyed!



cathica October 9 2008, 01:21:57 UTC
This is wonderful. I love Lucy Saxon, which probably explains way too much. 8) I've watched my DVD set with eagle eyes, checked the deleted scenes, looked everywhere I can think of, and I've never seen that scene where the hand picks the Master's ring out of the ashes. But I like the thought of it. Just what the Doctor needs--another mystery.


paperclipbitch October 9 2008, 15:38:50 UTC
I think we all love Lucy *crazy face*

I'd forgotten that scene until I watched it really late on Friday night, and was like "hey, that must be Lucy, her nail varnish matches".

Thanks honey, I'm glad you liked!



maypanic October 9 2008, 03:20:23 UTC
Wow. I can't believe you took that pairing and actually made it work.
Really well. Lovely story.


paperclipbitch October 9 2008, 15:53:10 UTC
Thank you very much!



karaokegal October 9 2008, 05:28:13 UTC
I've always loved your "broken Lucy" fics, but it so nice to see her as a strong survivor and you made it equally plausible, although that sort of made her eventual fate even more heart-breaking.

Great interactions with Eight and Ten. I think it's good that she didn't meet Nine. I don't see them meshing very well.

The timey-wimey wibbly-wobbly stuff made my head hurt, but I loved the characterization so much it didn't matter.


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