Dec 26, 2010 02:06

hope you had a blessed Christmas! 성탄절 잘 지내세요~

at the service today the church's drama team presented 3 simple skits that were funny, touching and heartfelt. my favourite was the one about the relationship between a husband and wife, in a world where everyone keeps emotional scores in actual ledger books. if there's a webcast i'll post it here! :)

am back in sunny sg and although i'm missing korea and the friends and fun times there, it's good to be back!

things i don't miss about korea
guys spitting on the street/in the subway
my fingers freezing
wearing 1000 layers of clothes

things i miss about korea
everything else


on a very different note, as part of my grand plan to learn korean by watching korean dramas with korean subtitles, i rewatched the first 5 minutes of BOF ep 3 and couldn't continue due to the acting/expressions of JH and JD -.- (take a look and you will see what i mean). in retrospect, the acting was really bad, but ok la they did improve towards the end, must give them credit.

bof, christmas, korea

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