Ladies Night was hell fun this time round. Thankyou Royston Neo for the lovely (& some unglam) photos on STOMP. Had great great fun that night, glad majority could make it. Thank God I chose to wear something pretty & not some top with shorts. I hate my thin hair ):
I'm going Night Cycling with the Clique later on, can't believe I'm gonna be cycling through TOWN on a Friday night when I could be at CQ or home resting. Bleh. But I really expect alot of fun from it. Hope it'll be good (:
Hello Ney & Tian & Tian's IC hahaha.
Green line Ney
I hate how BFFFF looks so good in candid shots.
I spotted myself by looking at my mobile. Gives me away every single time.
Stef & I are ready
I can't believe I screwed up this pic but I still posted it up cos everyone else looks so good & happy. Everyone except me.
Like what Tian said, it was truly a ladies night.
HAHA Look what I FOUND! <33