Still pregnant, but it's time for an update on life in general anyway.

Mar 26, 2010 23:35

 So, I was just talking to some of my fellow expectant mommies and we were all discussing how we're feeling now in the last few weeks of our pregnancies as compared to how we felt in the first few weeks.  So, I thought I would come here and share some of my thoughts with all of you! As I'm sure you can tell from the title, I am still pregnant as of this very moment.  The good news is that, my sister is in town right now and just called and informed me that I am now allowed to go into labor. :|  She's a mother herself, so I'm willing to let that statement slide.  We're planning to go over to Mom and Dad's for a spaghetti dinner tomorrow.  Mom told me that she's made a couple batches of sauce and a casserole of bakes spaghetti to freeze so that dinners are easy to make once Ryan arrives.  She knows that I'm not a huge fan of feeding my kids fast food on a routine basis.  Fast food, just like eating out, for a family of 5 (I'm not counting Ryan right now since he won't be eating solid food for a while yet) gets expensive quick!

Went to the doctor this morning for my weekly NST and a sonogram.  Baby still looks good and I appear to be getting much better.  I don't think I told y'all but I came down with a lung infection about a week ago.  Same kind of infection I had over the summer.  They  played around with the idea of doing a cesarean for a few hours while they monitored us after they determined that if they were to induce, there was no way I could physically push him out at that point.  Then they decided that the baby was doing well, and they didn't want to cause me more problems by doing a cesarean if they didn't have to (Pleurisy is painful as it is, and it didn't make much sense to perform major surgery which would cause more pain, and make moving around even more difficult, which increase the risk of complications from the Pleurisy), so they put me on a baby safe antibiotic and sent me home.  I'm feeling a lot better now, so that turned out to be a good idea on their part.  Anyway, I went to my appointment today and the tech started to tell me what his estimated weight is this time, and I interrupted her and was like, "I don't even want to know.  Last time he was 9lbs 1oz and I don't expect that he's shrunk any...because I sure as hell haven't."  I hadn't met this tech before, but she was cool about it, she laughed.  She's pregnant, so I expect she may know what that feels like! lol

Now, on to symptoms and how they've changed over the past months!  When I got pregnant, I had just lost the weight I gained with Anna, and bought some new jeans.  I was able to wear those jeans w/o a Bella band (pregnancy band that goes over the waist band of your pants when they don't button anymore until October, and could wear them with the band until Christmas.  Since then, I have just expanded like a balloon in a Macy's parade. I've only gained like 25lbs, but I tend to freak out if I gain 5 so....

I'm much more tired and irritable this past month than I have been for most the pregnancy.  I feel like I'm in that 1st trimester coma state again, only I am physically incapable of sleeping for 12hrs at a time now, even if left the hell alone.  I have to work really hard at being as patient with my children, and Matt, as I need to be.  Usually, by the time Hannah asks 'why' for the 15th time in a row, the answer is a snappish 'because I said so' or 'go ask your father'.  I really like keeping a routine and having a good bit of structure in the day because it helps Darren function as well as he possible can, and keeps his self injuring and meltdowns in check.  So, when MIL came over one day to "help" and f*d up the routine by deciding that the kids should do an activity outside instead of having a snack then quiet time, he had an absolute melt down.  So the bitch just stood there and looked on while Matt and I are trying to contain him!  He's only 3, but it almost always takes two people to calm him when he gets that wound up!  I mean, he was hitting himself, biting himself, pulling his hair, and even tried to bang his head against the wall.  It took a good 15 minutes to get him calm enough so that we could settle him for his snack and quiet time. So then, she decides that he's just a spoiled brat and not autistic!  She tells us we should let him just hurt himself because he would get a clue and "knock off the bratty behavior".  Now, say what you want to me, but when you insult my child, I tend to get a bit pissed; so I laid into her about that one.  Long story short,  she and I aren't speaking right now, and when Matt told her that when the baby arrives we do not want her at the hospital, she got all upset and said we're only keeping her grandchildren from her because she favors the girls over Darren and refuses to do what we ask when it comes to him.  Well...yeah, thats it in a nut shell.  On the day that I give birth, I don't feel like I should have to deal with someone that I can't stand right now  and who doesn't respect our parenting decisions or give a damn about how things are done in our house and why.  Until she can start to respect how things are done in our house, and understand that Darren has special needs that the girls don't, she is not welcome in our home!  FIL is, and if he invites us over we will go, but if she starts to behave in a way that is derogatory towards Darren, or oversteps her bounds as his grandmother, we will be leaving.  She's not been told this yet, but we'll tell her after the baby is born.  Right now, I just have too much going on to deal with her shit.

I've been having a lot more Braxton Hicks in the past few weeks and several bouts of false labor.  Yeah, false labor hurts, but it's not anything like actual labor!  That just gets progressively worse until the baby is born.  With the false labor, the contractions will get to about ten minutes apart and last for maybe 4hrs before going away.  It sounds worse than it actually is.  And it's not near as bad as the combo of false and primordial labor that I had with Darren, which just dragged on and on until he was born.....nine days later.  My biggest thing right now is that, I just don't want to be one of those women that has the baby in the car, parking garage, or elevator of the hospital! lol  The hospital is only 15 minutes away, but this time we don't have a live in babysitter, and my last labor was a precipitous labor (3hrs or less).  The person- my mom (and back up in case she isn't available) we have set up to come watch the kids when it's time is well aware of this fact. Mom lives 10 minutes away, so she can get here quickly.

Although, if the baby does beat us to the hospital, I can't help but think Matt might be slightly traumatized by it, and that could be funny in and of itself.  

baby, family, r/l

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