A Juicy Meme

Sep 02, 2008 14:25

Lifted from  reticente

Well, here's what I actually think of some things.  You can agree with me or not.  These are my opinions, and frankly, I really don't give a damn what you think of me because of these. I have a right to my opinons, and you have a right to yours.  That being said, if you bash me for my opinons, don't be shocked if you get a snotty response back.

1) Would you do meth if it was legalized?
No.  I've had my addiction problems in the past and that's not something I'm anxious to repeat.

2) Are you for or against abortion?
Over all, I am against it.  I think there are cases where it's an understandable choice such a rape, incest or if the mothers life is in danger by the pregnancy.  To me, once you concieve, it's a living thing.  Personally, I believe it's wrong to kill someone who hasn't done anything to you.  Even in the cases of incest or rape, I believe that adoption is a great option, but, having been raped myself, I can understand how carrying that baby to term might be something that the mother could not handle emotionally at the time.  Partial birth abortion, I think should be illegal.  Flat out.

3) Would our country (United States) fall with a woman president?
I don't think the making of a good president is a matter of gender, as much as it's a matter of policy and the execution of that policy.  You may have a good policy on paper, but if you can't execute it in a wsy that's in the best interest of the country, then it doesn't matter what gender you are, the country will end up a mess.

4) Do you believe in the death penalty?
I do.  I believe that some crimes are so heinous that the perpetrator doesn't deserve to live.  Hell, I think the death penalty as it is, is too fucking soft on people!  Cruel and unusual punishment?!  That's why we're switching to lethal injection in this country?!  Killing someone with an ice pik is cruel and unusual punishment!!  Beating someone to death with a crow bar is cruel and unusual!  Stabbing a person 25 times is cruel and unusual!  Putting someone who did something that horrible to sleep and then stopping their heart is NOT an eye for an eye!  Hell, I think if you murder someone in cold blood, torture a person before killing them or rape a child, you shouldn't have a right to be put to death peacefully!  If you commit such a heinous crime and take away someone's right to live, then why in the hell should I care about your rights?!  I believe we should reinstitute lynching, the firing squad and the guillotine for these kinds of criminals!

5) Do you wish maijuana would be legalized already?
I wouldn't say that.  I don't think it should be sold in the Circle K like a cigarrettes, but I think it should be available to patients for medical use.  There needs to be strict guidlines of when it is and isn't appropriate to prescribe and the DEA would have to be vigilent in the enforcement of these guidlines, but I think it should be made available to patients with cancer and other painful diseases.

6) Do you believe in God?
I do.  You don't need to know more than that.

7) Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
I do.  Love is love. Who am I to tell a man or woman that they are wrong to love another of the same sex?

8) Do you think it's wrong that so many Hispanics are moving to the USA?
As long as they immgrate here legally it's not wrong.  Saying it's wrong that they're here is one step closer to having the Hitler mentality.

9) A 12yr old girl has a baby.  Should she keep it?
No. Absolutely not!  I'm all for the freedom of choice,but a child should not be raising a child!  A twelve year old can't even legally work in this country, so how is she supposed to take care of the baby?

10) Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18?
Damn right it should!  At age 18, you can smoke, vote, get married, join the military and buy porn.  But you can't drink.  You can go to another country to defend this country and die doing so, but you can't drink.  WTF?!

11) Assisted suicide is illegal...do you agree?
No, not really.  I think it depends on the circumstances, but in some circumstances I agree with it.

12) Do you believe in spanking your children?
As a parent, I believe I have that right when it comes to disciplining my childen.  I also believe there is a difference between spanking your children and abusing them. The government says I can't discipline my kids, but when they turn 18, they can go overseas and be killed by militants in the name of 'freedom'.  Something seems terribly wrong with that.

13) Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
Hell no!

14) A mother is declared innocent after murdering her 5 children in a temporary insanity case.  Do you agree?
So, you're asking me if I think Adrea Yates should be let go or not?  No, I don't.  If you're that mentally ill, then you should stay in a locked facility where you can get the appropriate help.  Being mentally ill, is not illegal; but killing 5 children is.

15) Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
No.  I'm sure people will do what people do.  They'll read my opions and then form they're opinions of my opinions.  Do I care what they think of my opinions?  Not really.  I'm always interested in the opinions of others, but what they think of me and my opinions insn't going to change them.  That's not to say that based on life experience, talking with other people and learning more on different subjects that my opinons won't change over time.  They might.  They might not. 


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