(no subject)

Jan 11, 2006 11:48

Hey every one I know I know it's been a long time. I have been so very bussy in RL with work my son and my Choir and other art projects I have going on at the schoole ohh yes and the New boyfriend very busy with him. Any way I just wanted to writ to say im still alive and I have forgoten none of you and to also invite you all to a new site I just started. It is calls Brownies vs Napalm and for the more political of you it should be a blast. Basicly it's a forum where you come to tell everyone how you would have handled/solved conflicts in the world past, presen,t and futuer. As well as to debate other people and there ideas of how they would have done it. For all the Harry Potter fan's there is even a forum on shipping wars so if any of you have ideas on how the whole HP shippilng war should have been dealt with come and post.


Ok I will end with the pimping for now I do hope to see many of you over there. I should be around more offten for the next little bit and look forward to talking to and catching up with you all.

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