My grandmother taught me embroidery when I was young, and let me completely ruin a lot of her supplies in my quest to be just as amazing as she was. I made the most hideous cherries, and she took the little scrap of fabric and would put it of her jar of homemade cherry jam, like it was the prettiest thing ever.
She also made plushies (in addition to doing EVERYTHING ELSE.)
I used to love playing with fabric and trying to make my own plushies, but I fell out of it quite a few years ago. Distracted with other things. I keep wanting to pick it up again. I love the teddybears I still have that my grandma made me. I love that she made them just for me. I pick apart other plushies and study how they're made, but just haven't found the energy to try and break back into the world of making plush toys.
Which is annoying to me.
So today I ran off to walmart with the specific intention of getting some really cheap fabric so I can make some terribly bad prototype plushies and stop making excuses for why to not get off my butt and start sewing again.
I'm a little terrified of the sewing machine, I'm not going to lie, but I have some adorable white and green polka-dot fabric to ruin, so yay for that!