
Jan 11, 2006 12:38

Yeah thats right. I'm mad bored right now, I'm in free and I have no homework that I am able to do. Blah.

Soo lets see, Monday I didn't do anything. I just stayed home and was mad bored. lol. I need to start doing things. lol. hm

Yesterday I went to Khols with my mom to get things for Ben. He's leaving on Monday at four in the morning. BLAH. The first time he left I could hear him crying and my mom all blah from up in her room. It would suck if I had to stay there for that, and being so early, but I love Emily Treme, so I get to go stay at her house for the night<3 That should be fun, I haven't been able to hangout with her in a while since I'm always hanging out with Joelene and Jared, and shes always hanging out with Cara and Matt, which is cool. We have cool friends. It's gonna be werid to have Ben gone for so long, but it will be nice at my house with out all this fighting =] The places he's staying sounds good, but a little strict, but I guess thats good in Bens case, hes not able to function in normal situations, and now he wil have to. This time hw wouln't have my parents babying him, and he'll have to start figuring out that the world doesn't evolve around himself. Any way, yesterday me and my mom had to go to Khols and get him alarm clocks and pajamas, because my brother is a strange kid and always wears the same thing day and night. Apparently in the new place there not allowed to do that. After getting his things I got to get some clothes, theyre fun, but so my brother didn't know that we were getting things for him I had to carry everything in and it weight 293048 pounds. lol.

Any way today was pretty good so far, I had to do my presentation for Mrs. Mattei, I can tell you know it didnt go over how I wanted it too. lol but oh well I got to sit with Jared during X-block which is fun. I get to see him more after school too which makes me happy. In math we didnt do anything at all. Silly Martle. Sounds like today I'm going to go hangout with Aj and Josh, they're funny to hang around. lol. They have good food at their houses =]

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