Headed West on Hennepin: a Criminal Minds travel mix

Aug 14, 2011 00:30

For be_themoon

They live in each other's pockets, so sharing their earbuds isn't such a big stretch.

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Track List:
1. Number Six Driver, Eddie From Ohio (team)
and there's free hot coffee for the number six drive/Virginia in my eyes

2. Date Rape, Sublime (Elle - season 1)
one night in jail it was getting late...

3. Aria from Handel's Tamerlano (Gideon - season 1)

4. Poor Wand'ring One, Gilbert and Sullivan (Hotch - season 1)
Though thou hast surely strayed/Take heart of grace

5. The Engine Driver, The Decemberists (Reid - season 1)
And I've written pages upon pages/trying to rid you from my bones

6. Mineshaft II, Dessa (Elle - season 2)
You've been here before/You already know where it goes

7. Long Way, Antje Duvekot (Prentiss - season 2)
We didn't know who we would be/We didn't know where we would end up

8. The Crow, Dessa (Morgan - season 2)
you land badly, but you crash standing

9 Many the Miles, Sara Bareilles (JJ - season 2/3)
How far do I have to go to get to you?

10. Every Time We Say Goodbye, Ella Fitzgerald (Gideon - season 2/3)
Why the gods above me, who must be in the know/think so little of me, they allow you to go

11. Don't Think Twice It's Alright, Bob Dylan (Reid - season 3)
I’m a-thinkin’ and a-wond’rin’ all the way down the road

12. Song For The Road, David Ford (Hotch - season 3)
For this evening I will play back every message that you sent/And I will sleep to the sound of your voice

13. Come Fly With Me, Frank Sinatra (Rossi - season 3)
Pack up, let's fly away!

14. Cosmic Love, Florence and the Machine (Garcia - season 3/4)
No dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilight/in the shadow of your heart

15. Yankee Bayonet, The Decemberists (JJ - season 3/4)
I lingered here with the blankets barren/And my own belly big with child

16. Hurt Me, The Jezabels (Prentiss - season 4)
praying at the dinner table/for you to come around/maybe pat me on the back when you're able

17. Tightrope, Janelle Monae (Morgan, season 5)
this ain't no acrobatics/you either follow or you lead

18. If I Were a Carpenter, Johnny Cash (Rossi - season 5)
Rossi can't actually listen to this song anymore.

19. Mace Spray, the Jezabels (Garcia - season 6)
you leave a light on all night/just to remind of the place I am

20. America, Simon and Garfunkel (team)
Counting the cars on the New Jersey turnpike/they've all gone to look for America

Headed West on Hennepin: a Criminal Minds travel mix

Track 2: Elle
one night in jail it was getting late...
(Date Rape, Sublime)

Morgan sits down next to her on the plane and pulls one side of her headphones toward his own ear. He listens quietly for a minute, then raises an eyebrow at her. She stares back, stone-faced, and he backs away, hands raised. After a moment, he joins Gideon and Reid, who are playing a slow game of chess.

"Should I be worried?" Gideon asks, three moves later.

"Nah," Morgan replies. "It's just music, right?"

Track 3: Gideon
(Se non mi vuol amar, Handel)

Reid listens quietly for a few songs, then hands the earbuds back to Gideion. "I prefer Orlando," Reid comments, and Gideon nods, understanding.

Track 4: Hotch
Poor wand'ring one!
Though thou hast surely strayed,
Take heart of grace,
Thy steps retrace
(Poor Wand'ring One, Gilbert and Sullivan)

Hotch tries to play Pirates of Penzance for the team, once, in its entirety. He's overruled before track two on the grounds that he won't stop singing along. Off-key.

Track 5: Reid
And I've written pages upon pages
Trying to rid you from my bones
(Engine Driver, the Decemberists)

Spencer learns about the Decemberists from JJ, who lends him an album, suggesting that he'll appreciate the literary allusions in Colin Meloy's lyrics. He acquires the rest of the albums on his own.

Spencer doesn't know who he'll be (or who he'll think he is), five, ten years down the line, but he wants to believe he'll turn out okay. He wants to believe that -- but he knows better. Mostly, he tries not to think about it.

These are thoughts he leaves out of the letters he writes to his mother.

Track 7: Prentiss
it's a long way
the worn-out heels of Kerouac
it's a long, long, long, long way
(Long Way, Antje Duvekot)

She's almost relieved when the jet leaves the tarmac. Airplanes are a constant in her life -- the time she'd spent undercover ranks with the longest times she's ever spent in one place. The perils of being a diplomat's daughter.

It's not that she expects the BAU to be restful, exactly. But it's nice to be able to use her own name. And she's less familiar with the States than she should be. Its mountains, rivers, coastlines and farm country and everything in between.

There are UnSubs everywhere, after all.

Track 8: Morgan
but when the worst runs out
you learn to live on less
you learn to live on less
you learn to live on less
(The Crow, Dessa)

Chicago's the best and the worst of Derek's life: his mother, his sisters, everything that made him what he is. For all the houses he buys around D.C., Chicago's still home.

He'll never buy a house here, though.

Track 14: Garcia
No dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilight/in the shadow of your heart
(Cosmic Love, Florence and the Machine)

If it weren't for the tiny clocks in the corner of each monitor, she'd never know what time it is. She spends most of her time in windowless rooms.

Derek drives an ambulance with a bomb in the back down the street and far, far away from everyone. She keeps his voice in her ear. If it were tangible (and it almost is; that boy's voice is better than a whole pile of quilts), she'd clutch it and never let go. When he goes silent, her vision narrows. She can't see the clocks. She's got eyes on half the city but she can't see anything, or at least nothing that matters.

"You are my god-given solace," he tells her, and she wants to smack him, but he's out of reach. She'll make him pay for this, though, for scaring the crap out of her like that. Her vision clears, and the tiny clocks are telling her something, it's late, but she doesn't care. Never has. She keeps hackers' hours. They don't measure in daylight, but in victories, and this was a big one.

Track 15: JJ
but oh my love, though our bodies may be parted
though our skin may not touch skin
look for me with the sun-bright sparrow
I will come on the breath of the wind
(Yankee Bayonet, the Decemberists)

The jet seems empty with Hotch and Morgan sharing the long drive back. JJ rests a hand on her stomach. Still flat. It won't stay that way.

Prentiss takes a seat next to her. "That's one hell of a secret. When were you going to tell us?"

JJ shrugs. "When my pants stopped fitting?"

Track 18: Rossi
If I were a carpenter, and you were a lady,
would you marry me anyway, would you have my baby?
(If I Were a Carpenter, Johnny Cash)

Reid listens quietly to the first few lines, before interrupting the song -- "Did you know Shakespeare had a character discuss the rhyme of 'lady' and 'baby' in a soliloquy?" Rossi's raised eyebrow is apparently sufficient encouragement for Reid to launch into the relevant passage:

I mean in singing; but in loving, Leander the good
swimmer, Troilus the first employer of panders, and
a whole bookful of these quondam carpet-mangers,
whose names yet run smoothly in the even road of a
blank verse, why, they were never so truly turned
over and over as my poor self in love. Marry, I
cannot show it in rhyme; I have tried: I can find
out no rhyme to 'lady' but 'baby,' an innocent
rhyme; for 'scorn,' 'horn,' a hard rhyme; for,
'school,' 'fool,' a babbling rhyme; very ominous
endings: no, I was not born under a rhyming planet,
nor I cannot woo in festival terms.

Reid sits back, looking pleased with himself. JJ is hiding a smile. Rossi scowls at Morgan, who's sitting two rows back in the jet. "Confess," Rossi demands. "You bought him that mocha right before takeoff on purpose."

Prentiss snickers, and Morgan adopts a faux-innocent expression.

"What?" asks Reid.

Notes: Some of the songs are meant to relate to specific events in the show, which is why each track is listed with a character and a season. I didn't get around to doing cover art, partially because I am terrible at graphics. And I find Garcia harder to write for (and harder to pick songs for) than any other character on this show.

Leave a comment if you have any questions about the songs or the timeline.

mixtape, tv: criminal minds, fic, music

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