Okay, everyone. Remember
this meme? It's the one where you get a prompt and you have to create your own television show. That post is almost a year old and most of you never posted yours, leading to my INDESCRIBABLE DISAPPOINTMENT. Because 1) I wanted to see what you all would come up with, and 2) I wanted to surrender again and get more prompts.
So I'm declaring AMNESTY on the old prompts. Maybe you didn't like yours. Maybe you were too busy at the time. Maybe you forgot. Maybe you want a new prompt, or you missed it last time and think it looks awesome. Maybe you finished and just never posted (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE).
Anyway. Comment now if you want a prompt, comment if you want to give ME a prompt, comment to call me a giant loser and this meme is SO LAST YEAR, INORITE?