Jul 07, 2009 03:24
Jennifer Schuley: I wanted to get to know you but the timing is fucked up I thought I could help you get over your ex, but even when you are over her you will need time to heal on your own. and I know that you do not need help from me because you have close friends who have been there for you. I know that this has more to do with you than me because you are in too vulnerable a position to give of yourself or get to know someone on a romantic level You are comfortable however accepting whatever validation I can give you by saying I like your sex or by being hung up on you
Heather Gonya: ok, hang on while I read
Jennifer Schuley: and he said "whatever."
Jennifer Schuley: And I said, "Am I not right? I am not sayng that makes you a bad guy because it doesn't it just makes you human, and I have been all for this arrangement in the past but not as much now."
Heather Gonya: whatever? He's a real Shakespeare aint he?
Jennifer Schuley: and he said, "ugh I gotta go, ttyl."
Heather Gonya: He is a LOSER
Heather Gonya: and he's superficial
Heather Gonya: some guys cant handle when shit gets real
Heather Gonya: and you are real
Heather Gonya: even when you are confused or uncertain
Heather Gonya: you are real