stole from katrinsara

Sep 02, 2003 11:40

[ current clothes ] black pants, pink and white shirt, flip flops.
[ current mood ] pissed off that the bank of america site is not letting me log into my account. >:-|
[ current music ] nothing.
[ current taste ] ice
[ current hair ] pulled back.
[ current annoyance ] bank of america.
[ current smell ] nothing
[ current thing I ought to be doing ] working.
[ current desktop picture ] same one ive had for a long time.
[ current favorite group] a lot.
[ current book you're reading] nothing. someone tell me a book to read.
[ current movie in dvd player ] gangs of new york.
[ current color of toenails ] not painted right now.
[ current refreshment ] lemonade
[ current worry ] the money in my fucking account that i need to transfer arghhh

Last Person...

[ you touched ] phil
[ you talked to ] jantsy
[ you hugged ] sean
[ you instant messaged ] no one.
[ you yelled at ] sean
[ you kissed ] sean


[ food ] yogurt, salads, chicken.
[ drink ] water, iced tea, lemonade
[ color ] pink, yellow, red
[ album ] a lot.
[ shoes ] flip flops or barefeet
[ candy ] skittles
[ animal ] my meow
[ TV show ] currently paradise hotel which i missed last nigt :(
[ movie ] a few..
[ dance ] i don't dance and if i do i just go with the flow
[ song(s) ] too many
[ vegetable ] lima beans.
[ fruit ] green apples, peaches, plums, oranged, strawberries, watermelon
[ cartoon ] dexter's lab.

Are You...

[ understanding] yes
[ open-minded ] yes
[ arrogant ] no
[ insecure ] yes
[ interesting ] i duno probably not.
[ random ] sometimes
[ hungry ] not right now.
[ friendly ] if you don't piss me off
[ smart ] eh in some situations.
[ moody ] all the time.
[ childish ] can be.
[ independent ] yes
[ hard working ] hahahah
[ organized ] neh
[ healthy ] yes
[ emotionally stable ] yeah for the most part
[ shy ] yes
[ difficult ] yes, when I want my way and it's not getting done I'm a bitch
[ attractive ] no
[ bored easily ] yes
[ messy ] in my room yes.
[ thirsty ] yes
[ responsible ] yes
[ obsessed ] with what?
[ angry ] yes at the damn site.
[ sad ] kind of.
[ happy ] kind of.
[ hyper ] no
[ trusting ] yes
[ talkative ] sometimes

Who Do You...

[ kill ] little ants and bugs
[ slap ] no one
[ tickle] no one
[ kiss ]
[ look like ] my parents and sisters.
[ talk to offline ] some friends.
[ talk to online ] anyone that feels like talking to me.


Write either "pro", "con" or "in the middle"

*Affirmative Action- pro
*Teenage Drinking- mid
*Cell Phone bans in school- con
*Cell Phone bans on the road-pro
*Capitol Punishment- pro
*Catholic Priests allowed to marry- pro i guess.

*Censorship of:
music- con
books- con
games- con
internet- con
*Embryo (Stem Cell) Research- pro
*Gangs in America- con
*Homosexual Marriages- pro
*Gun Control- pro
*Random Drug Testing- con
*Racial Profiling- con
*School Prayer- con
*Separation of Church and State- pro
*Sexual Education- pro
*Abstinence Only Education- con
*Standardized Testing- pro
*Abortion- pro it's every person's own choice.
*Tobacco Advertising- pro
*Zero Tolerance in School- con
*Mandatory Recycling- pro
*School Uniforms- con (after wearing one for 12 years).
*Immigration- pro
*Banning of Extremist Groups- ??
*Clone Research- con
*Home schooling- pro
*Time Limits of Welfare- pro
*Smoking in school- con


[You and Others]

Are you special? maybe
If yes, what makes you special? not sure.
What attracts you to the opposite (or same) sex? personality, smile...
What do you think makes you appeal to others? im not sure.
Do you feel comfortable in crowds? no
Do you feel comfortable being touched (Hugged etc) by other people? most of the time, unless it's an uncomfortable situation
Do you feel comfortable sharing possessions with others? no im greedy.
Do you feel comfortable trusting others? no
Who, or what, has been the biggest positive influence on your life? everyone good and bad that has entered my life has influenced my dicisions and my life
Who, or what, has been the biggest negative influence on your life? i don't know.
Who has been the greatest support to you? my family and suzi, amadna, jill, joel..
Who has been a hindrance or annoyance in your life? troll.
Do you find it easy to admit you're wrong? no.
Do you find it easy to apologize? yes, unless i don't feel that they deserve it and then it's tough

[Recent Things]

What was the last dream you remember? sean trying to kill me... that was last night. don't know why i dreamnt that
What do you think that dream was trying to tell you? i duno.
What was the last thing you said to someone? bye
What was the last good deed you did for someone? hmmmm
What was the last bad turn you did for someone? ...
When was the last time you smiled? yesterday
Why did you smile? i was with my family.
Who was the last friend you spoke to? suzi...well im still talking to her.
What do you think of that friend? she's all kinds of fuzzy n blue. :)
How do you feel now? sleepy, uncomfortable...


How do you react to:
A couple being affectionate together: i'm fine until they start getting annoying.
A homosexual couple being affectionate together: isn't that the same as the question above?
A sex scene on TV/Film: fun.
A person in tears before you: that makes me cry somtimes.
Someone being bullied/attacked: i want to kick ass.
A tragedy or accident in the News: some of the things make me want to puke cuz i don't understand how some people can do some of the things they do.
Some scandal on someone famous/important in the News: oh it's fun
Charity advertisements (TV or otherwise): they're doing what they have to do
Praise from friends/loved ones: always good
Insults from friends/loved ones: sad
Praise from strangers: sometimes i take it the wrong way and i think that it's creepy
Insults from strangers: who are you to insult me?

If the opportunity came, would you sooner:

(I guarantee you I’m going to add my own thang, not pick one or the other)

Travel to see a long lost old best friend, or a loved one: loved one
Go out partying all night or stay in at home: stay at home
Move to live in a new city, or live where you were raised: live where i was raised.
Date a celebrity, or stick with what you know: date a celebrity haha. sorry joel<3 <3
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