15 Futurama

Nov 24, 2010 14:43

15 Futurama icons (holiday episodes and season 6)

1, 2, 3, 4,

5, 6, 7, 8,

9, 10, 11, 12,

13, 14, 15

-There are so many things that have kept me from making/posting icons in the last few months that I have quite frankly forgotten about half of them. One of those things is that I kinda freaked out over the color difference between my monitor and my iPod Touch. I adjusted the settings on my monitor and after about about a week I stopped noticing the difference so hopefully my colors won't look any different to you guys. I take it back. They look just as bad on my iPod ;_; Maybe I shouldn't check this comm on that thing.
-Christmas icons! I was going to make a whole bunch because I'm an attention whore but then I kinda lost interest because we don't do Christmas. But at least I didn't sit on these until next year. I hope they're satisfactorily Christmasy.
-Next up; hopefully Whoniverse. I am all about Sarah Jane right now and I'm desperately hoping to get enough icons together to make a post before my interests shift. I also have more Futurama (should be the last set before next summer), The Big O, Farscape, and the last of my True Blood (we broke up), Code Gaess, and Dollhouse icons.

Thanks for looking. I hope everyone had a good year.


credit icons to prettypinkdork or paper_spaceship
comment if you like something
feel free to point out spelling mistakes in icons, oversized icons, etc.
do not hotlink
do not edit, alter, or customize icons in any way

tv: futurama, 2010

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