oh em gee, i posted something

Mar 11, 2010 21:45

Alias (3), King of the Hill (5), Allison Janney (1), West Wing (12)
edit!: annnnnd Pokémon (1)

Alias, King of the Hill
1, 2, 3, 4,

5, 6, 7, 8,

AJ, West Wing
9, 10, 11, 12,

13, 14, 15, 16,

17, 18, 19, 20,

21, 22 (pokémon!)


-I hate Photobucket. I hope these show up. I might have clicked something I ought not :\
-Yay! No more Alias! Those dang things have been sitting around for over a year. The shame. I has it.
-Rather uninspired collection of caps for the King of the Hill icons but I couuld only get the first disk from my library :\ And season one isn't the best so I didn't feel like capping anything else but the pilot. :\ Oh! Found out a few weeks ago that FOX is airing King of the Hill a couple times a week. They're still in the earlier episodes but I'd forgotten what comfort food that show is. We're skipping the Cotton eps, though. Can't stand Cotton.
-And I guess since I spoke nicely of KotH I should do the same for West Wing. West Wing is awesome. Randomly grabbed a disk (closed my eyes and blindly groped) and watch several episodes a few weeks ago. Oh, good TV ♥

edit: PO-Ké-MON! Who else has already carefully analyzed the version exclusives and decided which game they're going to get (to start with ::cough::)? I'm getting Soul Silver :3 Oh, wiggly tree! I cannot wait to water you again. That sounded dirty. I don't care! Bug Catching Contest! Inhumane treatment of Slobros! Those god awful letter pokémon. That's right, I don't remember what they're called, don't give me that look.


credit icons to prettypinkdork or paper_spaceship
comment if you like something
feel free to point out spelling mistakes in icons, oversized icons, etc.
do not hotlink
do not edit, alter, or costomize icons in any way

Going to go watch Telephone now. Hope I don't wet myself.

tv: king of the hill, tv: alias, tv: west wing, 2010, actors: allison janney, anime: pokémon

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