"It's the papers that got small!" & other things

Feb 18, 2008 00:09

So, I've got a coworker... wait.... let me start that again. I have a coworker who is very much into comics. Probably much or more so than I am into manga. He is also an artist and draws comics. He wants to start a project, using an old half finished start of a story of mine as a script. All well and good, till he tells me to write a treatment and sends me on my merry way to attempt to dig up any and all information I may have created on the damn thing.

So I'm digging through the bottom of my closet which is a collection of crates. In these crates are piles of... everything. Underneath about ten years of old calendars (I swear I'm not this much of a pack rat, it's just they have pretty pictures) I found 3 newspapers. 3 whole newspapers. One from 2003. One from 2000. One from 1995! The one from 95, after reading through the whole thing, has no viable information in it. I cannot figure out why I kept it, except for, apparently, myself in today's world to find it and ponder it.

I could not have foreseen as my 14 year old self that I would one day be working for that paper. Thus, this has been an amusing discovery.

Things I learned from a 13 year old paper:
#1. Design elements that would be cries for bloody murder, and have been, were common place in 95. (It has a RAIL! *gasp* But only the Mariner's have rails! BOLD FRANKLIN! NOT IN MY HEADLINES!)
#2. The film review shmuck has been around FAR LONGER than I ever thought. Oh shit. Time to give him more credit.
#3. I miss Filenes greatly. As do I miss other things advertised that no longer exist.
#4. The 'speak out' column was surprisingly civil and none combustive.

Which leads me to my greatest realization. The customers and readers of the paper, today, are COMPLETE ASSHOLES compared to 1995. "The paper is smaller, the paper has less hard news, it's all ads! YOU GUYS SUCK! BLAH BLAH!" No, the paper is not smaller. We run two editions now! The paper has only gotten bigger. The amount of ads is the SAME, though the companies and design elements have totally changed. We have more hard news now, because the town actual has stuff going on right now. Shocker. The speak out today is a mass of bitching, moaning, finger pointing.

People today, in today's world... are jerks!

Is it the economy? People are bitter and angry and stupid. Can I blame the Bush administration for angry speak out callers? Because... I can't see any other answer for this

This week's (last weeks) manga purchases:
- Pet Shop of Horrors: Tokyo #1: Otherwise known as New Petshop of Horrors. Picking up in 2005, the clothes have changed style but Count D is still selling pets to unsuspecting victims. And he has a new adversary in his landlord. Cool.
- Wild Adaptor #4: Haven't read it yet, but Minekura's work is all the same. Pretty boys brooding and plenty of swearing (for the english adaptations).
- Mushishi #3: Del Rey is actually going to pick up the release rate a bit. Thank god. Most of these I've already seen animated, but it's still nice to have them in book form.

On order from Right Stuf!: Young Magician 9 and 10, and Tactics box set. WHICH WAS ON SALE FOR $25! That's a buck an episode! Though the anime isn't as interesting (insane) as the manga, I couldn't turn that down.
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