title: IM stands for Immature Morons III
characters: bandfic!
rating: pg-13
summary: instant messages between the 2pm members.
a/n: trying out other members. i'm sure i don't need to clarify the screen names :D
i ii December 1, 2009 10:22PM
[ im - jayisthebomb, taecmyhand ]
jayisthebomb: i hear you're stripping for ladies now.
jayisthebomb: ha jiwon, huh. not bad.
jayisthebomb: good for you.
jayisthebomb: i hope you'll make beautiful babies together.
jayisthebomb: i'll be the godfather.
jayisthebomb: and i'm best man at the wedding, you hear?
taecmyhand: what the fuck are you talking about? D:
taecmyhand: i SAID i was stripping for j.
taecmyhand: j. JAY.
taecmyhand: everyone else helpfully supplied the -iwon.
jayisthebomb: as if i believe you.
taecmyhand: you're not pissed, are you?
jayisthebomb: pissed? why would i be? i'm in fucking heaven right now.
taecmyhand: jay-
jayisthebomb: i mean, my boyfriend is taking his clothes off for random women.
jayisthebomb: whoopedee.
taecmyhand: you're JEALOUS o_o
taecmyhand: ohmygod you're jealous! ^ᄇ^
jayisthebomb: fuck you. i am not.
taecmyhand: that is so cuuuuuuuuuute :D
jayisthebomb: fine. go strip for your perfect wife. you're not talking to me ever again.
December 4, 2009 2:21 AM
[ im - junhoism, prideofpusan ]
junhoism: psst. wooyoung.
prideofpusan: why are you im-ing me? our rooms are side by side.
prideofpusan: and why is your font so damn small? you know i have bad night vision.
junhoism: shh! i'm whispering.
[ireject has been added into the conversation]
ireject: oh heeeey.
prideofpusan: sorry. chansung heard me typing and wanted to join.
junhoism: D:< this is why i insisted on whispering.
prideofpusan: are you even listening to yourself right now? :|
ireject: i'm hungry.
junhoism: i wanted a private conversation with you >:(
prideofpusan: so come talk to me face to face. its ONLY A DOOR AWAY.
junhoism: but im is so much cooler D:
prideofpusan: just tell me here then. everything will eventually go back to chansung anyway.
prideofpusan: cause no one in this dorm knows how to keep their trap shut.
junhoism: but i want to talk to you ALONE.
ireject: i would kill for some ramyeon right now.
junhoism: *headesk* some people can't take hints.
ireject: exactly. you know what the coordi nuna did today?
prideofpusan: i am surrounded by idiots T___________________T
ireject: you mean junho?
junhoism: HEY!
junhoism: fine. i'll say it here.
junhoism: don't regret it, ssanti king :[
junhoism: wooyoung, the online sex shop replied. they said they were out of the dildo in yellow. would you like pink instead?
prideofpusan: D:
ireject: ramyeon with an egg or two cracked into it... mm...
December 6, 2009 5:21 AM
[ im - junhoism, voiceofanangel ]
junhoism: mah- iza- you can never forget~
junhoism: wtf does that mean.
junhoism: and why does wooyoung appear so much in the mv?
junhoism: the yellow. it *BLINDS*
voiceofanangel: wtf. i have no screen time.
voiceofanangel: idgi. khun gets sexy chicks. we're stuck with each other.
voiceofanangel: and khun is GAY.
junhoism: as if you're not? :|
voiceofanangel: i've been in a scandal with a ~GURl~ 8)
junhoism: yeah. apparently you were a big ass and broke her heart.
junhoism: you're a bad man D:<
voiceofanangel: wtf. fyi, I was the one who was dumped.
junhoism: oh so you're the wimp now.
voiceofanangel: i'll rather dance alone than dance with you >:(
December 10, 2009 4:12AM
[ im - jayisthebomb, junhoism ]
junhoism: sup.
junhoism: we hangin with tiger jk maaaan~
jayisthebomb: what is this fuckery.
junhoism: i'm the cool cat~
junhoism: the cool kids all kickin it together maaaan~
jayisthebomb: you're scaring me :|
junhoism: jk hyung tweets about us.
junhoism: his kid ~loves~ us
jayisthebomb: i don't care if the queen of england loves you.
jayisthebomb: its four fucking am.
jayisthebomb: you did not just wake me up to tell me that you hang out with a lion. or tiger. whatever.
junhoism: not just any tiger, THE tiger. jk hyung, man.
jayisthebomb: if you say man one more time i will fly over there and personally punch your teeth out.
jayisthebomb: i'm not sure the tiger's kid would like you teethless.
junhoism: but-
jayisthebomb: without your teeth you are nothing.
junhoism: fine. i'm sure jk hyung gives you no love :(
December 12, 2009 9:13PM
[ im - ireject, prideofpusan, voiceofanangel, taecmyhand ]
voiceofanangel: i officially hate your guts.
voiceofanangel: ok taecyeon you have the biggest mouth in the world.
prideofpusan: i told you secrets don't stay secrets for long around here.
taecmyhand: bo peep bo peep! ah! ah! ^u^
voiceofanangel: i hate yoooooooou T____________T
ireject: if its any consolation to you, junsu's mistake is #1 on naver.
prideofpusan: oh heeeey i've never been #1 before.
prideofpusan: thats so cool ^^
voiceofanangel: wtf.
voiceofanangel: kill me now.
taecmyhand: bo peep. ah ah! ^_______^
December 15, 2009 3:21PM
[ im- jayisthebomb, junhoism ]
junhoism: jay jay jay :(
jayisthebomb: what.
junhoism: i am truly heartbroken D:
junhoism: i thought we had something there.
jayisthebomb: what thing what there?
junhoism: the walls are thin. i hear taecyeon every night. he seems to enjoy your phone calls.
junhoism: and remember when you left?
junhoism: you said i was the only one in your heart.
jayisthebomb: i don't know what you're talking about.
jayisthebomb: are you sure i was sober?
junhoism: fine, be that way. i'll run off with doojoon!
junhoism: we will elope to africa and adopt 2.5 children and a dog.
junhoism: the whole world will regard us with awe because we dig awesome wells.
junhoism: when the fans throw a hissyfit, i'll direct them to you.
jayisthebomb: who the hell is- oh right. doojoon.
jayisthebomb: whats the kid doing now anyway?
junhoism: he debuted :DDDDD
junhoism: his band is called beast.
junhoism: isn't that cool? kinda like us!
junhoism:and you stole my heart D:
jayisthebomb: WHAT is in the water over there.
jayisthebomb: all of you are overdosed on sugar. its making you mushy. and extremely horny.
junhoism: well i wouldn't be horny if you didn't bail on me for taec.
jayisthebomb: oh wait i remember now!
jayisthebomb: YOU DRUGGED ME.
jayisthebomb: we agreed to never talk about that again >:[
junhoism: *cries* i'm calling doojoon now.
december 1: blue dragon awards; taecyeon's heartbeat ending
december 6: corby mv and song
december 10: tiger jk's twitter spam about 2pm
decembe 12: junsu's bopeep incident on inkigayo
december 15: slight reference to doojoon going to africa for danbi