A Gathering of Friends -- Druids: Animal Husbandry for Fun and Profit

Jan 04, 2008 18:39

Title: A Gathering of Friends -- Part One: Druids: Animal Husbandry for Fun and Profit
Authors: Veet Voojagig (veetvoojagig) and Liritar (liritarofrohan)
Rating: R for language and sexual references
Characters: Noah Bennet, Sandra Bennet, Claude Rains, Thompson, Bob Bishop, Elle Bishop, Adam Monroe, Peter Petrelli, Nathan Petrelli, Hiro Nakamura, Matt Parkman, The Haitian
Pairings: Any pairing between any of these characters as well as others will most likely be referenced in this chapter or later ones.
Warnings: Pure crack, geekiness to the extreme
Summary: This is, literally, a Dungeons and Dragons campaign with characters played by Heroes characters. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Notes: Inspired by this quiz, which did the rounds in our Heroes RPG circles. Links to each character's results are provided. Some characters used without permission.

Any confusion about gameplay is due to the fact that I play Second Edition and Lir plays 3.5. There was much compromising. All dice rolls are real.

Completely without timeline. Don't try to figure it out.

According to my notes, when we were attacked by goblins you ran screaming like a little girl.
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