Mix 1: So Catchy I Could Dance

Feb 16, 2008 20:52

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    I live and breathe music. I have no talent for it and me playing an instrument sounds like a cat being strangled, but I like to think I have exceptionally good taste in music.

    When I get bored, I like to make mixes.

    Since I've been slack making icons lately I'm going to start posting some of those mixes.


    1. Tokyo Police Club - If It Works
    Because it's short but so catchy you find yourself singing it in the shower. 
    No, really.

    2. Foals - Hummer
    2008 is going to be a VERY big year for these guys. Have I 
    mentioned yet that I have a thing for catchy guitars and good drums? The singers
    accent also helps.

    3. These New Puritans - En Papier 
    My French sucks but I'm guessing this translates to "Paper".  Why are they singing about 
    paper? I have absoluetely no idea.

    4. Damien Rice - The Blowers Daughter 
    This may seem out of place with the others, but the theme I was going for was catchy tunes, and 
    this chorus makes me sing, ableit badly, every time I hear it. Plus, I thought I should add it for 
    those who don't get turned on by accents, drums and sharp guitars like I do.

    5. The Mess Hall - Keep Walking 
    Australian bands seem to be getting better and better. It's like someone drugged 
    the local music scene and suddenly it's mutated into awsomeness.


  • songs on repeat, mixtape, mix 1: so catchy i could dance

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