{ 045 } | icons

Jan 06, 2010 17:11

1-12: Stock icons
13-18: Penelope (movie)
19: Christina Ricci
20-21: Jude Law
22-25: Bradley James
26-31: Colin Morgan
32-40: Bradley James & Colin Morgan (incl. promos)
41-52: Merlin
53-64: Text icons


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icon: { movie } penelope, icon: { tv } merlin, icon: { male } bradley james, icons, icon: { female } christina ricci, icon: { other } text, icon: { male } colin morgan, icon: { male } jude law, icon: { other } stock

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mrs_leary January 15 2010, 16:13:52 UTC
And here I am commenting properly at last...

♥ Ah, more stock icons than usual, yes? :-) And all beautiful. A lovely sort of late autumnal feel to them. Love #1 cos of the knitting, pretty lights and a mug of what I blithely assume is coffee. Three of my favourite things! Love the bleak yet intriguing shore in #4. The crop in #5 is just masterful! #6 makes me laugh in rueful delight. #8 is delightfully scholarly. And I love #12 for the flowers in her hair...
♥ Thank you so much for the Penelope ones! I loved that movie so much, and not just for James McAvoy (though he was so perfect with his roguish charm). It's not a movie I've seen any fuss made of anywhere, so it's doubly wonderful to find your lovely icons. I love #15 cos despite the muffling she's still aspiring heavenwards. And #17 for its wonderful crop that really brings movement to the image. And #18 cos there they are, frankly together. Hurrah!
♥ Then the adorkable Bradley James. Perfect! I love these four, but perhaps #25 is my favourite. Love the crop, and also the b+w face with the muted colour background. Nicely done! Of course Bradley looks so darned good in colour, but I love seeing him in b+w every now and then, and rediscovering his perfect structure.
♥ And the adorkable Colin... Again, lovely lovely lovely. Similar comment for #27 as for #25, cos this approach really works with these beautiful guys. I love #28 in particular. I am not entirely in love with the original shot for this one, but I adore this crop of it. An intriguing and successful re-imagining of what (for me) isn't an overly successful photo. I love your icon of it unreservedly. Love #29. I do love the original this time, but I love your crop of it equally. It really emphasises the delicious line down the right side of his face, throat and shoulder. Yummy!
♥ Oh, and the boys... All the Colin/Bradley and Merlin/Arthur ones... An embarrassment of riches here, hon! It's really hard to know where to start and finish in talking about them. Because there is much to love about them all. The crop on #32-33, and the perfect caption. I think #33 is my choice there, cos the text fits into that space so perfectly. God, I just ADORE #34-37. The crops! And the lush colour! Honestly, these are swoon-worthy. As a writer, I hate falling short of words, but I don't know what exactly to say about these! I love them to bits.
♥ And I need a new para just to get over that. Then... ah, 'Myself & Colin', yes. Perfect choice of shot for dear Bradley and his BFF. Love #41 - I've never seen quite that expression used before, but it's so very Arthur. And then perfect use of Merlin's intent focus in #42-44. I think #43 is my favourite, cos of course 'nothing else exists' for Merlin, and I love that the text begins in their shared eyeline. Oh, and here's some more of the swoon-worthy... #45-47 makes such perfect use of this intensely mutual scene. The hand on the shoulder. The mutual gaze. Whether it's the charged air or the 'mine.' (masterful use of the fullstop, hon!) or the heart between them, it's just perfect. These gave me a real frisson.
♥ OK, a cold shower and a new para later... Also adore #48-52, cos again it's the perfect use of this perfect bonding moment for the boys. And you know I love the 'Arthurian foreplay' caption! Well, I can hardly imagine better use for it than here, what with the bonding and the (ahem!) rather obvious stick. Perfect. Love you drawing on the red and blue colours for the last couple. Oh, it's so very them... You make me love them even more.
♥ And then even more perfect text icons than usual. You may or may not have gathered from my fic that the 'love is soemthing you do' notion is so very fundamental to how I see the world working. It's lovely to see that here. And of course the 'I heart you' icons - snagged that right away, cos I need to say it on a regular basis in lj, and it sounds all the more beautiful when it comes via your artwork.

Another astonishingly good batch, my dear. Do you have a favourite this time round? You often seem to have an immediate answer for that, but maybe this time it's as hard to choose for you as it would be for me.

Top work! Thank you for sharing. ♥


the_muppet January 15 2010, 21:46:31 UTC
* Yep, more stock icons as that is what I'm most comfortable making a lot of the time and particularly (as with this batch) when I need a kick-start =)

* I adore Penelope and can't imagine how anyone couldn't; everyone should see (and love) this movie ♥

* It's funny that my favourites of the Colin ones are 30 & 31, yet it's all the others you mention; another example (as we've said before) of people liking different things =)

* I love the promo of Colin/Bradley in 34-37 so am especially glad you liked those particular icons. Such a beautifully clear picture that highlights their eyes so well; could've made loads of icons of that picture alone!

* 42-44 of the Merlin/Arthur ones is a wonderful screencap which I just adored and again could have done a whole batch just of them. Actually, could have done a whole batch solely of the only three screencaps I actually used for the Merlin/Arthur batch =)

* I found myself slightly more stumped than usual with the text ones this time and only did those right at the end, whereas normally I do them earlier in a batch; glad they worked for you =)

Favourites huh? Okay: 17 & 19. And maybe anything from 42-47. =)

Thank you so much for your thoughtful and detailed feedback; it is, as always, appreciated more than you know ♥

*hugs muchly*


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