barbie has really gone downhill since i was a child. i was in target the other day and there were about five different barbies to choose from. i remember being little and there was a selection of 40 or so barbies. she was an astronaut, doctor, teacher, gymnast, chef and every other job you can think of. shes nothing now. they had one barbie in a bathing suit and the others just had different outfits on. nothing exciting. don't even get me started on christmas barbie. she looked awful.
the shape of the body and facial features have changed too. new barbie looks like a fucking tranny and doesn't offer much. the shape of the head is different and all the features have become bigger. more alien like, imo. old barbie(i had that one)looks brilliant. look at that hair!
the toys section was really depressing too. nothing interesting. i've been going to and they have tons of toys and commercials from the 70's, 80's, and 90's. all that shit is so much better.
i guess everyone thinks that their generation had the best toys, cars, clothes, etc.