An invitation for you, lovely LJ friends

Apr 14, 2009 11:45

Quite a few of the people on my friends list were also members of my LJ community, The Gems. I was the original owner, and after I left the community, it was managed very well by several of my friends. Apparently, the community was handed off once again and has since died. I thought about the community the other day and about how much fun it was. I had actually decided to join, but upon visiting The Gems, I learned that it had been abandoned and had died.

After much thought, I decided that I would like to reopen the community to anyone who would like to participate. This time, though, the community will not be hosted on LJ but on a forum. I chose a forum for several reasons:
1. A forum provides better organization and makes everything easier to find.
2. It allows everything to be maintained much easier by both moderators and members, therefore less chance of abandonment by busy maintainers.
3. The forum offers a variety of features that LJ does not that can make the community even better.

What are the differences from the old Gems community?
1. There are no applications. Everyone is accepted, however, if they start drama or do not adhere to the rules, they will be suspended and/or banned.
2. There are no minimums for participation. All we ask is that members at least log in every 60 days to stay a member.
3. The members will have more of a chance to get to know one another and make friends!

So, I am personally inviting each of my LJ friends to become the first members of the new and improved Gems. If you were not a member previously, there is no time like the present! Read over our information, and if it sounds like fun to you, please join us!

The first activities will be posted when the first member is approved!

If you do not wish to participate, that is not a problem at all, but if you do, please join in! And if you do join, I invite you to extend this invitation to all of your LJ friends as well. Please help me build up this community to be better than ever before!

Love you all!


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