Dec 30, 2009 17:41
so...let's see...what has happened lately?
-christmas - not entirely awful. felt rushed the entire day. spent it with people i didn't really want to spend it with. woke up at SEVEN THIRTY AM...gah horrible! didn't see justin until 10pm. got a ring from j (no not an engagement ring, and stop asking, i'm tired of hearing that question and answering, NO we are not engaged yet and dying a little inside every time)and the effing diamonds are falling out after wearing it gently for 3 days (fucking zales)...going to take that one back today and yelling at someone...had some majorly delish tamales for brunch. got lots of clothing. a BEAUTIFUL sewing machine...mmmm. stuff for said sewing machine. juno. mgmt cd. other random stuff.
-christmas day one of my best friends stephanie got engaged. this has put me into a slight depression at the mere mention of the words ring, engagement, marriage, wedding. didn't think i'd be the LAST girl in my group of friends to be getting engaged. it hurts. but whatever, apparently i'm supposed to get over it and wait it out awhile longer and not be depressed about it. i just want to badly to get married and start a family. that's all i've ever really wanted to do. i never really had a solid idea of what i wanted to do as a career in my whole life. i just new i wanted to get married and have a billion babies. ugh...enough self pitying.
-yesterday my credit card company's fraud department called me to notify me that my card had what they believed to be an "unauthorized charge" on my account. for $96 to some place called u-store-it. they closed my account and are opening up a new account, sending me a new card, and wiping that random charge from my bill. too bad i couldn't lie and say the other $1,100 worth of charges were unauthorized, ha.
-it's cold.
-i need a new phone. desperately. trying to order it right now and am ENRAGED about how slowly verizon's website works. ugh. mmmm new phone smell. my old one keeps turning itself off randomly and presenting other age-appropriate symptoms such as not letting me delete text messages but suggesting i do so because my inbox is 100% full. or buttons not working randomly. yeah, it's slowly dying. ughhhhh.