If you could dress up for Halloween what would it be? The other night I was perusing the numerous Halloween costume sites that've popped up for the upcoming hallow-day and found an awesome costume for Mary Katherine Gallagher from SNL played by Miss Molly Shannon. I would totally rock that costume!
Then I'm reminded of the all too funny scene from Bridget Jones' Diary numero uno when poor sweet Bridget isn't notified that her mom's annual Tarts and Vicars party (where the women dress as urban comfort ladies and the men dress as aptly placed clergymen) has been changed to just a normal (attired) garden party. Poor Bridget walks into the party in her black Playboy bunny get up complete with fishnets. A very skebe (hey we're getting good use of the word huh chibi? who'd a thunk it?) "uncle" walks behind Bridget and squeezes her bunny puff: "waaaank waaank eh Bridge?!" he says. You hear someone say in the background..." I guess Aunt *** didn't get the news either" and waving from behind a bush is the senior Aunt *** wearing I think it was a sexy red hooker getup. heehee! Not that I want to dress up as a Tart this year, but the concept of the party is just great for some odd and annoying reason! Somebody do a themed party and invite me to it! Goodie bags are essential...