art showwww recap

Mar 31, 2010 23:35

I probably forgot to mention this, but I was in an art hahah

Unfortunately, I can't show you the piece I entered because it's been at school this whole time. I took pictures when I was at the show, I'll upload those soon hopefully.

So, my parents, and my "sister" Abi (my mom marked her down as my sister on the guest list, she likes to support me and look at art hahah) all piled in the car and got to the place where the show was being held. We were the only ones there for like ten minutes.

Abi found a refrigerator in the cornner filled with water and some random old dude came up behind her and was like, "THATS A REFRIGERATOR."

You had to be there.

So blahblahblah we looked at the art and the kids from our school came in as well. Then we went to this big reseption hall thing where they announced the awards.

This senior chick from my school who won last year got honnorable mention and she looked pissed. I feel selfish for saying this, but does she think that she's gonna win every year? She did this really awkward self portrait of her mouth open and rain pouring into it. Her cheeks were literally tan balls on her face. So strange.
This other chick from our school had a really cool painting thing with these awesome 3-D elements on it. I liked it a lot, the colors were great! She didn't win anything though :(
Jake was in the art show too. I actually thought his was better than Ali's (and she's known for being this ~amazing artist at school) It was all cut-out paper in bright colors. He didn't win anything either.

SOOO basically by then I was like, "Well Shelby, good run." Since my name wasn't announced in the honorable mentions, I'd figured I was done.



I was so shocked, seriously. I didn't think I'd be able to  win the thing!

We were suppose to read the paper that we wrote to go along with out art after our name was called, but I was too shake-y so I asked the announcer lady to read it for me :P

I had put so much BS in that paper and I didn't want to sound like a freak when I read it. Halfway through the lady started tearing up, and when I talked to her after she started up AGAIN haahah

So now I am a hundred dollars richer, have a free pass to the art center, and get to bring my piece up to the capitol where it'll be judged again! :D

Sad part: If my painting keeps doing good and winning, I won't actually get to  have it for another 2 years :(

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art, life

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