High and Right - John's Big Bang Masterpost

Mar 25, 2012 11:52

Title: High and Right
Author: saberivojo
Artist:  eyestoowide
Genre: Gen, Some het, Pre-series
Rating:  PG 13
Characters:  John, Mary, Sam, Dean, Bobby, Jim and Deacon
Summary: John's Back-story.  Vietnam, Mary and raising his boys.  A man's struggle with the impossible and his determination to protect his sons.  This is a love story too, both in terms of Mary, his boys and his family and friends.  Sometimes he makes the right decisions, other times he's off the mark.

Masterpost: http://saberivojo.livejournal.com/104562.html?view=1901426#t1901426

fiction het, postcards, john, fiction gen, pre-series

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