Virtual season?

May 20, 2007 17:06

Would anyone be interested in a SPN "virtual season" focussed on John Winchester?

I've been thinking about this for a while, and I have a rough idea how it could work. But I certainly couldn't do it alone. We've got the Origins comic filling in some of John's background, but what I'd really love to do is write John's side of what was going on in Season 1. With the revelations in the last few episodes of S2 (we at least have a clue now what the demon's plans were, and why John told Dean he might have to kill Sam), I think there's enough canon now to fill in some of the blanks and put a pretty good speculative season together.

What made John just disappear the way he did in the pilot? Kripke said that by the time John rejoined the boys in DMB he "knew all of the secrets" but how did he discover all that? Where was he in Faith? And so on.

Anyone interested in trying this?

new comm

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