bitter, cold and alone

Feb 20, 2006 23:26

Why don't you call me when you're empty? We'll spin the wheel, win the gold, run to Europe, sort all this shit out and finally come down. Isn't that how it could go? Think that's what we really want? Resolution? How fucking boring would we get to one another?
I'm into you because you'll always be a smokescreen. Fucking dig it. And if ever you weren't, think I could maybe move on. But that's why yr Goddamn magic, you will never stop being that smokescreen. The calm before the storm. The surface of the ocean. You, and me and fucking Jesus, walking on water. "God's a number" Come sit in the cozy delicatessen waiting room area. Take a number. Next in line. Fuckin Boar's Head brand sacrament. (I'll put you under my tongue)
Play that scene back in video edit slo mo. Play it back again and again. I have every action memorized in order. And that doesn't happen often with sex. It's like that time I got the car and went to pick up my boss at the video edit. And he took forever coming down from the skyrise. And I had to keep moving the car up into new parking spots, until I finally had to circle the block and come back. And then when he got in the car, it was so fucking memorable. It was like the resolution. The climax and the comedown after we'd cum. Maybe that's why it plays back again and again. There is no end. It's like the words to a terrible pop song.
"Masturbation's lost its fun" I had a friend who swore he did it 26 times in one day. And the last time he made himself cum, he spurted blood. Too much a letdown to find out you could harm yourself that way. But it's true. You can physically exhaust yourself. Ever fallen asleep in the middle? Ever been with someone who made you want to? Those scenes are just plain worth forgetting.
You've got the fix. So do I. There's no time for dabbling like the present. Let's say fuck the future and throw our clothes in the ocean and sow all our "wild oats." Or let's forget it all.
Or let's let's let's. Let's someday not forget it and we still won't have a good ending for the script. It's OK to be adventurous. We're just not officially fucked yet.
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