Good Morning!
I would like to first say that I am really sorry about not having posted something of quality in some time. Sooooooo... this will be "Michael a week in review!"
- Wednesday the 13th: The day started with a canceled Writing the Essay class. By the way... that class sucks ALOT! I'll talk about that more later. Then I went to my Intro to Theatre Production Seminar... and since Sweeney Todd moved in that weekend and was still setting up, my teacher canceled class too. Then I had the rest of the day off. At around 7:00 I went to Skirball to work on the show. That night we didn't do anything. We sat and watched... and nothing happened... they didn't get through like 3 songs. Oh well... we would find out what we would do the next day.
- Thursday the 14th: This day started with a 4 hour acting class with Bill. We did a quick sense memory in which we had to work with SHARP PAIN! I worked with this weird ass pain that I get in my chest... like my heart... but not heart burn or like "heart breaking pain"... I mean like sharp knife in my chest pain... really weird... I still havn't figured it out yet, but dont know what it is. But I really got the pain. It was great... painful... but solid. Then we did improv. It was incredible! We played some really fun games. The "What are you doing" game, park bench, and the car game. Then we left and took a lunch break. I hiked back to Hayden and had lunch with Bri and Rachel. I popped up to the room and changed and chatted to Alden and MY MOM... she just got AIM... this is kinda weird... but I like it. Then I jogged back to have Vocal Production. After that I went home and ate dinner. After that I went to Sweeney Todd rehersal. We got our first act assignments and I have to set the barber shop chest with aprons and stuff. They tried to run part of the show, but didn't get too far. Sleep...
- Friday the 15th: Friday was a sleep in morning and I then went to Tah Chi. FUN. And after that, I went to acting with Bill again. You see Ted was in Nashville trying to cut an album... SO COOL! So we played improv games with Bill all class. Then I ran to Washington Square to eat dinner at the Mexican Village. After that I ran to Sweeney Todd. We started working tech for the show... SHIT... it took for ever. We didn't get far at all. At 11 o'clock when we got finished... with the first 4 scenes in act one. Yea... tell me about it... well it was good, but BORING AS HELL! After that, Frank came down to the square and we chilled out in the dorm. We watched Sweeney Todd... the version that dad sent me. It was great. Frank had never seen it and he liked it. SLeep...
- Saturday the 16th: I HAD SWEENEY TODD FROM 11 to 10... that is all I have to say... THEN I went up town to see STEPHEN LYNCH AND MITCH HEDBERG! Sooooo good! Best joke by Hedberg was "Is there such a thing as a hippopotamus or is it justa a really cool opotamus?" And Lynch was there with Mark Tyke! His best moments were so dirty that I can not type them... wow religous people would cringe... ALOT... "Craig" and some of his improves in "Superhero." DIRTY. The rest of the night will not be talked about... yea... not talked about... if you really want to know... it was weird... involving a very drunk very gay kid hitting on me HARDCORE... but I'm still good! That night I had 4 people asleep in my room... Bri's friends... cool kids! No mas... SLEep!
- Sunday the 17th: Sweeney Todd... all day again... then I got home and worked on Writing the Essay SHIT! SLEEp!
- Monday the 18th: Today I had class at 11 and got out at 1:45 and ate lunch with Sherin (from my Writing the Essay class). I had parfait! "You know what else everybody likes? Parfaits. Have you ever met a person, you say, "Let's get some parfait," they say, "No, I don't like no parfait"? Parfait's gotta be the tastiest thing on the whole damn planet." Tonight I had rehersal... it was good! I am getting in really good with the ASMs (assistant stage managers) Hilary, Besee, and Chirs. Also the stage manager Elena. And the director FRANK! He is so cool! He calls me Franklin... and knows me well... he talks to me all the time! SLEEP!
- NOW!
I'm going to go to bed! So I thought I would mention the weirdest thing happening to me right now... people at studio are calling me Franklin or F. Michael... and people at Hayden call me Mike... WEIRD!
ok well good night sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite...and now for your moment of zen... don't you ever feel like this...
Hey baby... I love you and I'll talk to you later...