Aug 18, 2005 23:02
Been awhile since my last update, you few and proud followers of my life. Genuflect! Thank you. Well hey people, school's just around the corner...but more important news. A few days ago Nick Nowell was shot and killed at 1:45 AM on Raymond and Penn in Pasadena. I uhh, hadn't seen the guy in about a year. We used to have good times back in the day. He was in that one fashion show that I did about 4 years ago, and was quite the freestylist...ahh the good ol' days...drinkin' Schnopps at a party raggin' on the shitty music they would oh man.
Puts things in perspective...only a month and a half ago another old friend, Dion Whitley, was killed over in Iraq.
This pretty much dwarfs everything else going on right now, to say the least. Er, I got work finally. Just for fun I'm working in Glendale at Glendale Centre Theatre. You guys might know it...the little shit hole just across the way from The Alex. Eh, its not too bad.
And hey, got a job at Baskin Robbins on Sepulveda in Manhattan Beach. Stop by if you're in the area. Also got an interview for In 'N' Out on Monday. I know, I know...I'll probably narrow it down to just the highest paying...which'll more than likely be the burger joint.
Let's see, let's see....update on Mexico. Doesn't look like I'll be going this summer. I'm sure I'll have the funds by the end of it, but I gotta be realistic...Looking at Thanksgiving or Christmas break seems to be more reasonable.
Well that's about it. Later bitches...