May 13, 2005 11:55
well, i just got off the phone with my doc earlier, and i gotta tell ya, he thinks my heart problems is comin from my stress levels. So he told me i need to calm down, take a vacation, and try n clear some things up so i have less stress. So i am. So i called Evan. I sat down and thought about it, and really, i'm just bein a dick and bein a jealous boyfriend. I have no problems with him hangin out with brittany, so i'm gonna set things straight with him when he gets off work so we don't argue or fight, and everythings cool. It will make things easier on brittany, and it will also make things easier on me. I think that's a small step towards bettering our relationship, bettering our stress levels, and bettering our lives in general. I told em i didn't wanna argue or fight, that i just wanted to straighten some things out. he said he didn't mind, but it would have to be after work. So i'm gonna call him and work things out. We don't necissarily have to like each other a lot and hang out and be best friends n shit, but i at least want to clear things up so we can get along. I know brittany hates it that we can't get along, and i'm sure that if i do this it'll be best for everyone. And honestly, i really don't have a problem with him. I just get jealous cuz he gets to see her and i don't. And that's partly because of her parents, and partly because i live so far away. She's happy hangin out with him, it gets her away from her problems. I'm only creatin more stress for her and myself by bein a dick about them hangin out. As long as that's all they're doin, nothing sexual, and no relationship thingy goin on, i don't care. Brittany needs to have fun with someone, and i need to stop thinkin bout what's good for 1 or 2 people, and instead start thinkin bout what's good for everyone. He's a funny guy, i know she likes hangin out with him, we used to get along. It's time to bury the hatchet. I just hope he sees it the same way. I love brittany with all my heart, and i just want her to be a lil happier. Cuz if i'm happier, and she's happier, then that improves where our relationship is going. Well i feel like shit, i'm goin in to work early to see if i can get out early, so hopefully i'll be back this afternoon or some shit. I'll update again tonight and let everyone know what's goin on n stuff. If i feel up to it that is...anywho, brittany i love you and i miss you. Talk to you sometime later today.