The Increasingly Dull Life of Nichola Paparazzi

Dec 20, 2010 20:57

Why yes, Nichola is starting another project wihout finishing any of the others. Surprised? No me neither. This is 'The Increasingly Dull Life of Nichola Paparazzi' which is not a series, legacy, challenge or anything else, it's just the gameplay of my simself. I added in a few homemade simselves of the ~clique and I'll add more as I go along. It's not planned, not specific and it's just me finally playing the game. Also I'd like to thank mysimreality for this gorgeous neighbourhood. Come and meet the residents of Glacier Peak.

First up is Nichola Paparazzi and her brother Mike.
Nichola (paparazzi_x ) is me, and Mike is my best friend in real life from Scotland. After divorcing her simself!husband Liam, Nichola moved to Glacier Peak to live with her brother, leaving only a message to her ex, "feck you" whereas Mike is dealing with a difficult breakup from his boyfriend because he is a "piece of shit" so these two should hopefully find this life together interesting.

Nichola and Mike live on the mountain, and on the first side of the 'hood in the first house are Mara (whos usertag won't work no matter how many times I edit it) and Jules (tamarazar ). Recently married couple, enjoying life in Glacier Peak.

Next door to them are Mae (maenad36 ) and Kyra (kyra_master701) . Kyra has the insane trait and is constantly preaching madness around the town. How much longer can Mae deal with this? Will it end in a messy divorce?

Over the road is the happy couple Kelsey (kelseypinkshoe ) and June (junebug_13 ). Hopefully wanting children someday, but Nichola keeps forgetting to install the any sex parents hack.

Finally at the end of the street we have Heather (imxplosion ), Chip (chippetg ) and their daughter Drizzle, because I was tired and couldn't be bothered to make the rest of their children.

On the other side of the island, we have roommates Gem (mistydelarouge ) and Rissa (lady_dragonae ) who are living together for the first time.

Next door to them we have Sydney (syddem87 ) and Dani (omgzdani ) who are hoping to get ahead in their desired careers.

Newlyweds Rosanna (rosanna29 ) and Lewis (themarinalegacy ) live at the end of the street.

And finally new to the town, bachelor Tom (simsinthecity ) is living in his mansion, waiting for the perfect girl.

Man I really hope I've got everyone down here!
And I'm the person most likely to get the username tags wrong, point them out to me please ;)
Time to enjoy some gameplay!

the sims 3, simselves, ~clique, the increasingly dull life of nichola pa

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