Today was an interesting day. I really should have done some work but I really whatever. I've ironed some things out with myself. And my best friend, yeah he's the best person in the entire world and without him, I don't really know what I do. He's the best thing that ever happened to me, no lie, and without him I don't know what I would be. He never gives up on me and for that, I want to give him the world.
So yeah tomorrow, we're studying for my math midterm on the phone, cause I can't get out to him. "How about you call around 12 and we can eat some lunch and then study? How does pasta sound?" That boy is amazing!!! =)
Kinda sad that I don't think my dad will drive me out this weekend to see some cliers but whatev. I get to see Curt in 10 days and the rest in less than a month!!! THAT MEANS ADAM!!! I think I get 4 of my best friends at Convention, cause Jess and Hils won't be there. I'll have to take another picture with my three best friends, cause those boys are amazing!!!
Ok well until tomorrow....