Как это было на самом деле.

Jul 19, 2006 11:37

От SandMonkey

И все-таки провокация. Западные журналисты постарались:

Lisa: kids were in
bomb shelters for days. city is a ghost town.

only poor people stayed

a new army unit arrived, kids were bored, went out with
parents to look

there were TWELVE photographers there

and they egged the kids on

the kids are low class, not educated, have never met a
Lebanese, just want to live their lives, don't understand why Lebanon
attacked their home, etc.

the photographers told them "hey, your cousins in america
will see you!"

mostly foreign photographers

so the kids, who were bored and restless and had been cooped
up in bomb shelters for 5 days, took the felt markers and drew messages to

there were no cries of hatred toward lebanese

and a big problem is that the israeli tv does not show dead
lebanese. it shows destroyed buildings, but not dead bodies. so no one has a
face of the dead in their minds. too aware of our own suffering, etc.

make sense?



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