I. The grows of Russia
...At this time it became possible sharply to distinguish
two main tendencies of thought which strongly influenced subsequent development, those of Slavophils and the Westerners. The Slavophils, adapting Hegelian theories, asserted that Russia possessed in her own traditions and her own institutions, the principles necessary for her future development: they dreamt of a Russia of free, self-governing communities under the shadow of the Autocracy and the Orthodox Church. The Westerners, on the other hand, strongly insisted that Russia could progress only through the adoption of Western institutions and Western culture. All Nicholas' repressive measures failed to check the ferment of ideas: they only gave in an increasingly political, and in the end, a revolutionary character. It was during Nicholas' reign that the stormy anarchist Bakunin, and that most striking of Russian political thinkers, Herzan, began their long exile in Western Europe, where they worked each in his own way for the political development of Russia.