Francis Herbert Bradley (1846-1924) Appearance and Reality. A Metaphysical Essay (1893) 6. app. 1916

Apr 01, 2023 16:28

Book II. Reality.
Note A. Contradiction, and the Contrary.
...A thing, for example, with its adjectives can never be simply given. It is given integrally with a mass of other features, and when it is affirmed of Reality it is affirmed of Reality qualified by this presented background. And this Reality (to go further) is and must be qualified also by what transcends any one presentation.
Hence the mere complex, alleged to be given to the intellect, is really a selection made by or accepted by that intellect. An abstraction cuts away a mass of environing particulars, and offers the residue bare, as something given and to be accepted free from supporting conditions. And for working purposes such an artifice is natural and necessary, but to offer it as ultimate fact seems to me to be monstrous. We have an intellectual product, to be logically justified, if indeed that could be possible, and most certainly we have not a genuine datum.

Восприятие, Реальность, Мышление, Образ, Брэдли (Francis Herbert Bradley), Механика восприятия, Объект

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