Francis Herbert Bradley (1846-1924) Appearance and Reality. A Metaphysical Essay (1893) 6. app. 1916

Mar 29, 2023 21:51

Book II. Reality.
Chapter XXVII. Ultimate Doubts.
...We insist that all Reality must keep a certain character. The whole of its contents must be experience, they must come together into one system, and this unity itself must be experience. It must include and must harmonize every possible fragment of appearance. Anything which in any sense can be more than and beyond what we possess, must still inevitably be more of the self-same kind.
We persist in this conclusion, and we urge that, so far as it goes, it amounts to absolute knowledge. But this conclusion on the other side, I have pointed out, does not go very far. It leaves us free to admit that what we know is, after all, nothing in proportion to the world of our ignorance.

...Truth, when made adequate to Reality, would be so supplemented as to have become something else-something other than truth, and something for us unattainable.

Восприятие, Об истине, Реальность, О правде, Познание, Механика понимания, Брэдли (Francis Herbert Bradley)

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