Стенограмма Нюрнбергского процесса. Том XXII.

Aug 16, 2022 01:01

Thursday, 29 August 1946
SIR DAVID MAXWELL-FYFE: … The Ahnenerbe was a department of the SS. Its list of members included the names of over one hundred professors and other educated men-all SS members, who relied upon the murderous business of hundreds of other SS members to supply them with the bodies for their experiments and the specimens for their collections-bodies of commissars who were to be taken alive and then decapitated, care being taken that, I quote: "the head should not be damaged."
Professor Hirt wrote:
"By procuring the skulls of the Jewish-Bolshevik commissars, who represent the prototype of the repulsive but characteristic sub-human, we have the chance now to obtain a scientific document" (085, GB-574).
The Office for the Consolidation of German Folkdom was an office of the SS, the office responsible for the awful crime of genocide and all that it entailed. The RSHA and the WVHA, controlling and responsible for the concentration camps, were manned by SS.

Убийство, СС, Аненербе, Документ, Немцы, Нюрнбергский Трибунал, Наука, Европа, Цитата

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