Стенограмма Нюрнбергского процесса. Том XX.

Jun 25, 2022 02:11

Tuesday, 30 July 1946
GENERAL R. A. RUDENKO (Chief Prosecutor for the U.S.S.R.): … During cross-examination in this courtroom, Defendant Sauckel could not help but admit that during the war about 10 million slave laborers, originating both from occupied territories and from the ranks of the prisoners of war, were utilized in German industries and partly for German agricultural labor.
While admitting the deportation to Germany and the utilization for the war industries of Hitlerite Germany of millions of workers from the occupied territories, Sauckel denied the criminal character of this action, affirming that the recruitment of labor was allegedly carried out on a voluntary basis. This assertion is not only a lie but a slander against the millions of honest patriots of the Soviet Union, of Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Poland, France, and Holland who, devoted to their country, were forcibly sent for labor into Hitlerite Germany.

Вторая мировая война, Руденко, Немцы, Нюрнбергский Трибунал, Рабы

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