Стенограмма Нюрнбергского процесса. Том XV.

Mar 03, 2022 00:42

Friday, 31 May 1946
DR. SERVATIUS: Witness, I should Like briefly to read to you the relevant passage; and I want you to tell me whether the views presented there are correct.
Envoy Hemmen reports here, in a letter received at the Foreign Office on 6 February 1944, under Paragraph III as follows:
"Allocation of Labor in Germany:
"It started with the voluntary recruitment of workers which, up to the end of 1942, produced 400,000 men. During the first half of 1943 two further voluntary recruitments of 250,000 men each were effected. The first, by granting the privileges of the releve-which allowed leave for prisoners of war at a ratio of 1 prisoner to 3 recruits-or the granting of worker status, produced some 200,000; whereas the second could be carried out only by using the new compulsory service law, that is to say, coercion, and produced only 122,000 men."
I skip the end of the page and read from Page 8:
"As the total result of the Sauckel Action 818,000 persons all told, mostly men, went to Germany; 168,000 of them owing to the compulsory service law. Of all these there were only 420,000 still there at the end of January 1944."
As far as you can recollect, are these statements generally correct?
SAUCKEL: May I remark in this connection that the Envoy Hemmen at the Embassy in Paris dealt with these questions there, and they are given correctly. Finally, you meant to say 420,000 and not 420, did you not?
DR. SERVATIUS: Thousand.
SAUCKEL: The decisive point is that because of the short term of the contracts, the French workers were changed every 6 months, thus only one half could be here at a time.
DR. SERVATIUS: Yes, you have already said that.
SAUCKEL: As an explanation I should Like permission to tell the Tribunal that while there was a ratio of 1 to 3-meaning that Germany gave back 1 prisoner of war in return for 3 workers-both the prisoner of war and the French civilian workers who had replaced him for the most part had returned to their own country after 1/2 years, as each stayed for only 6 months.
It was very hard to win the Führer over to this regulation.
DR. SERVATIUS: I have no further questions.

Вторая мировая война, Нюрнбергский Трибунал, Свидетели, Европа, Французы

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